Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Ana Botella announces that is not presented to the municipal 2015 – The País.com (Spain)

Ana Botella announces that is not presented to the municipal 2015 – The País.com (Spain)

Ana Botella, downtown, during a rally in support of the Spanish basketball team. / Felipe Nombela (AP)

The Mayor of Madrid, Ana Botella (PP), has resigned to stand for municipal elections of 2015 The councilor has announced his decision in a statement without questions in the Town Hall. Bottle to finish the term as mayor of the capital. “I feel the accomplishment and I closed on a stage in my life”, said the mayor. The Prime Minister, Mariano Rajoy, knew his decision not to contest the elections “a while”.

“The government team I chair has many months of work and many projects to finish and is that we will continue with the same enthusiasm until the last day of our commitment to the locals, “said the mayor. “This is an ad, but still not a farewell. Remain many months of work and many projects nearing completion,” he added.

In recent months there had been speculation about the possibility that women of former Prime Minister José María Aznar resigned to stand as candidates. Moreover, she suggested last month that charges the Madrid PP tried her out of his office. Among the leaders who appear in the short list to replace are the current government delegate in the Community, Cristina Cifuentes, or regional party president, Esperanza Aguirre, though the latter has suffered the setback of the leak starring in Gran Vía, that instruct crime- as possible. The Aguirre itself has been the first to react to the news of the resignation of the mayor. “Ana Botella has always done the best for the Popular Party,” he wrote on his Twitter account.

The image of bottle has worn much in recent months. The two deaths by falling tree branches in just 90 days has added to

the death of five girls in Halloween Party Madrid Arena, which resulted in the resignation of several councilors of his government team and the chief complaint Local Police. These tragedies have intensified the decline alcadesa very damaged by episodes like the failed candidacy of Madrid 2020, budget cuts and comments like “relaxing cup of coffee with milk” or his theory of pears and apples on gay


The dome of the PP and assumed Monday that bottle would be one of discards to make ahead of the municipal. Even PP top leaders gathered Monday at the National Executive of the party emphasized that it would not be a candidate because she would not want to see surveys or because the training would convince reports Carlos E. Cue .

The councilor disembarked at the forefront of the political hand of Alberto Ruiz-Gallardón. The current Minister of Justice, then mayor of the capital, in 2003 appointed Councillor for Environment. For eight years he remained faithful. And in December 2011, when the former mayor left office to join the government, Botella took the baton of the City.

In the early years itself entered Ana Botella plans submitted to the 2015 elections remain mayor wanted another four years. In fact, earlier this year launched their particular campaign: eliminating garbage fee, a free helpline for elderly and the announcement of a food service at home during the summer for children at risk of social exclusion, including other measures. But to do so, he must first get the approval of the party and, above all, Mariano Rajoy.


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