Thursday, November 17, 2016

Activities in the framework of the day of the prevention of Non-Gender-based Violence – Daily Voices


The Provincial Municipality of San Martín in coordination with the Table de Concertation multi-Sectoral Gender based Violence (MCMCVG) to conduct activities for the International Day for the Prevention of Non-Gender-based Violence, to be held this November 25.

During the month of November, we will conduct different activities with the purpose to sensitize the population with this problem that is seen day-to-day: femicide, women psychologically battered, beaten and humiliated.

With these activities we want women in and out of romantic relationships and/or marriages sickly, raising awareness that a person who wants, loves and respects you will never humiliate or agredirá physically. In the first place, one must love themselves and be valued to be valued and loved.

The love of self is above any thing.

These are the following activities that will take place in the city of Tarapoto for the International Day for the Prevention of Non-Gender-based Violence:

Today Thursday the 17th there will be a press conference in the auditorium of the Mission in North East, then painted murals in the shreds Moyobamba and Manuela Morey.

on Friday 18 and Saturday 19 November, dissertation on the different modes of communication:
radio and television in charge of MCMCVG.

Sunday the 20th, mass at the Iglesia Matriz de Tarapoto, and then the hoisting of the National Flag in the plaza de Armas of the city.

on Wednesday 23 there will be a video discussion "Prevention of violence during the stage of infatuation and courtship", in the auditorium of the Educational Institution of San Antonio de Padua in Tarapoto.

Finally on Friday, the 25th, informational fair, and ending with an afternoon and cultural night with the participation of different organizations.

One of the main challenges to prevent and end violence against women and girls around the world, is the marked insufficiency of funds, which determines that the resources for these initiatives to be extremely scarce. There are frames very promising, as the Sustainable Development Goals, which include the specific goal of ending violence against women and girls; not, however, require a sufficient funding to produce concrete changes and significant in the lives of women and girls.


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