Wednesday, February 1, 2017

The value of wetlands in the reduction of environmental disasters – TiempoSur Diario Digital

on the occasion of the celebration of the World Wetlands Day, Thursday 2 February will be a series of activities organized by the Association of Environment South next to the Agency, Municipal Environmental in order to celebrate locally the international Day of the Wetlands and to collaborate in raising awareness about the importance and the environmental benefits they provide to the local community.

For this 2017, the Standing Committee of the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands adopted the theme Wetlands for disaster risk reduction. Has selected this theme to raise awareness about this issue and highlight the essential functions of the wetlands healthy by reducing the impact of extreme events such as floods, droughts, and cyclones on communities and also the increase of the resilience of these.

During this Thursday, February 2, the Association Environment South alongside the environment Agency, Municipal organize guided tours of the Interpretation Centre "Estuary of the rio Gallegos" and hiking and birding in the Coastal Reserve Urban sector Rio Chico, both between 15.00 and 19.00. In addition, organized by the Group Friends of the reserve, there will be a mural and cleaning of the area in the RNU Laguna Los Patos, with the start at 14.30.

on the other hand, the Saturday February 4, at 15.00, it calls the activity "introduction to birding" in the Coastal Reserve Urban sector Río Chico, in charge of Santiago Imberti, an ornithologist and President of the Environment-South, with space limited. For this activity it is necessary to make a prior registration at the Environmental Agency. All the proposed activities are with free admission.

Protect our wetlands

World Wetlands Day is celebrated every year on 2 February. This day commemorates the date on which was signed in 1971 the "Convention on Wetlands", on the shores of the Caspian Sea, in the iranian city of Ramsar.

One of the main achievements of this Convention (also called the "Ramsar Convention") has been the creation of the list of wetlands of international importance. This list is composed of 1.886 wetlands of 159 countries with a surface area of 185.156.612 hectares (January 2010).

The wetlands are natural ecosystems with a great strategic value to be large reserves of fresh water. However, these ecosystems are currently highly affected due to the impacts of the human activities that develop in them, generating a progressive degradation and putting in evidence the high degree of vulnerability.

According to the Ramsar Convention "the cultural and biological diversity of wetlands represents a wealth that sustains us physically and psychologically. The cultural heritage of wetlands is a result of the age-old association with the people, a relationship that has contributed 'wealth' to the human society and that should continue to do so for generations to come." The "World Wetlands Day" social organizations, citizens ‘ groups and government agencies take advantage of this day to increase awareness about the benefits provided by these unique ecosystems.

In Argentina there are approximately 600,000 km2 of wetlands, representing 21.5% of the national territory, an area that increases to 23% if we consider the salt flats and water bodies.

In Rio Gallegos, to halt the progressive degradation of local wetlands through legal protection and the creation of the System of Natural Reserves Urban of the city that comprises the estuary of the Gallegos river and the lakes of our city, in which is preserved an important biodiversity of flora and fauna native to the ecosystem in which we live the local people.

These reservoirs of water provide invaluable environmental services to the city and its surroundings, such as: cushion flooding as the natural lagoons centers filtering of urban surface water; improve the legal system, the sanitation and cleanliness of the city; preserve the biodiversity of native, in addition to athletic purposes, educational, cultural, recreational, participatory, and ecotourism, among others, for that can be used.


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