Thursday, February 2, 2017

Romania: mass protests by an emergency presidential decrees that decriminalizes certain offenses of corruption. – euronews


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Romania: the biggest demonstrations
since the fall of Communism in 1989

"mass Protests in Romania":

by a law, passed by surprise Tuesday night, decriminalizing certain crimes of abuse of power and corruption.

we Explain below what represents this legislative change and its impact inside and outside of the country

What says the text?

The Government of the social Democratic Party
(PSD) approved on Tuesday 31 of January, a decree, which was not included in the agenda of the day, and decriminalize some of the crimes of abuse of power and corruption if the damage caused is less than 44.000 eur. The decree repeals the crime of "negligence penalty" and mitigates the "conflict of interests".

When did you apply and what will be its impact?

it Is expected that the text enters into force in ten days, and will apply not only to new charges but also to the ongoing trials.

The DNA, the anti-Corruption Office of Romania to investigate these moments
2,151 causes that would be affected by the decree; as well as a ” significant number of cases', currently in progress, according to a press release from the agency.

The DNA has confirmed to Euronews that in 2015, appeared before the justice Romanian 1,250 people including 16 mps, 5 ministers, five senators and 97 mayors and deputy mayors.

The measure would be a hindrance to the fight against the corruption to which it had committed Bucharest. The newspaper "The Country" ensures for its part that, according to data from the office of the Prosecutor General of romania, more than 3,000 ministers, senators, deputies, mayors and senior officials have been sentenced to jail for corruption since 2010.

What says the European Union?

corruption is one of the burdens that most influenced the candidacy of Romania to the EU. In fact, the justice system, Romanian is under the supervision of the European Union since the country became part of the EU, in 2007. In the latest reports on this country, the European Commission stated that the situation had improved and that would put an end to the verification mechanism for Romania and Bulgaria. However, there is nothing more concerse the decree, the EC has reacted by labeling the law as "very worrying".

why it has approved the decree?

The approval of these measures was announced during the legislative campaign. The social Democratic Party, which leads to a month low in power, had announced a reform of the penal code. The aim allegedly is to reduce the prison sentences for corruption and overpopulation in the prisons, Romanian.

For his part, Klaus Iohannis, the Romanian president has asked the government to repeal the decree on which has to decide now the Constitutional Court.

What they say who are criticizing the emergency presidential decrees?

The critical voices stress that the decree in favour of certain politicians and their allies, as it would relieve them of charges against them.

So the leader of the PSD, Liviu Dragnea, accused for abuse of power and corruption, would have caused, according to the attorney-damages for value of 24,000 euros. If the decree enters into force, eludiría any liability.

Laura Stefan, a specialist anti-corruption Expert Forum, has told Euronews that "the rush to adopt this law by night and by surprise they are, basically, to favorecerle".

What they say the protesters?

The romanians believe that this is a step backwards in the fight that his country was carrying out anti-corruption. Have expressed their indignation for the legislative reform. Ask for the resignation of the government for that reason and because the decree has been passed without a debate in parliament.

"First and above all, what matters for us is that the government has decided to adopt the legislation," says Stefan. "It’s like in the 90′s, when legislative measures were taken by the night and published in the Official Gazette. You were going to bed with a law and when you despertabas had another one," she declares.

The political analyst Radu Magdin has stated to our entire that "while it will be difficult to defend, I think people would be more peaceful if we had a proper debate"

What now?

"I don’t think that the PSD blink (…) neither do the protesters. I don’t think that will occupy the Parliament or something like that, because the government could use it in your favor," says Magdin.

According to this analyst, "the time is running out to fabor of the PSD because they are voting the budget and this has positive repercussions for the population."

"It’s a budget generous. We are going to attend an injection of money into the economy. Then they will try to improve his image by saying: we are going to talk about serious things for the country and the economy, and we stop to talk about something that is a fact"(…) "The problem is that both the president and the manifestates do not share this opinion and are not going to give up."


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