Saturday, February 4, 2017

The escandalito of Lugo dissolves like sugar in a glass of water. – Infovaticana

Person and friend that he deserves total credit send me your opinion about the fact and the declaration of obedience of the cure in question. It seems that the buses that were to be put to transport neighbors were more because for 150 people enough with three, and I think even those surfeited as being the localities served by the parish priest very close to the capital, the majority had to move with their own means.

The meeting with the bishopric, had to pass peacefully, because I have not received any news to the contrary. I don’t know why I have come to the memory, a saying whose origin I no longer remember but that I I without the slightest profit to call donkeys, the mayor of Friol and the mayor of the city of Guitiriz. Only aim, animus iocandi, point to the failure of their efforts, which I have no doubt they understood the righteous but that they were totally oblivious to your representation: you Have rebuznado bucket one and the other mayor.

I leave the story of m friend and the manifestation of the priest absolutely willing to the obedience that comes despite his displeasure with staff is also very understandable. Although it has been exceeded a first time. The rectification is exemplary. I commend you for it.

And to be learning other in person. Priests and parishioners. I also think that the bishop of Lugo acted at all times as it should. And as I supposed he had done so. What is truly fatal is that there are priests who have to attend to a dozen and a half parishes. As for putting a spoke in the wheel of a bishop who must serve, juggling, to the whole of their faithful and not only to those of Friol.

"Before the urgency of events in our beloved diocese of Lugo will send you the explanatory note of the priest in question. I see that you tried, in my way of seeing, with much tact and success the topic. Also yesterday, the priest wrote an explanatory note to which it seems that the media do not give the same treatment to other unfortunate statements. It looks that the news was the error and what is not success in rectification. I’ll send you the explanations of the priest in attached file, because without doubt you consider of interest to publish them without delay. You add first-hand some more data: Today there was a demonstration of about 150 people to deliver signatures of support to not go for the cure against their will. No one asked to be received by anyone in the Curia, or the Bishop or the Vicar General, who were in a position to receive and engage in a dialogue. Today, Saturday, the Bishop’s office is closed and nobody had reported directly to it, (the Bish opric) that there would be such a manifestation. It was said that this demonstration would attend the priest, but it seems to be that nobody saw him. Everything indicates that the waters return to their channel that should never have come out, but it is typical of men to err. I leave it in your hands, dear friend, all of this for you to give you the best possible deal for the good of all believers of good faith."

This is the declaration of the priest:



José Ramón Pérez García with d.n.i 34.255.818-D, current parish priest of the twelve parishes of the Municipality of Friol and two of the city Council of Guitiriz, I wish to clarify some of the manifestations of my previous release date of February 2:

Moved by emotions and feelings that these days are passing by inside of me, because this change affects so important to my life and to my future, I expressed my concerns to the parishioners and I began to receive samples of support to continue in these parishes. All this made that I was involved emotionally and expressed my feelings in a way that could give rise to misunderstandings.

Logically it costs me to keep these parishes in which I have established very close ties over these thirteen years. There are many people that have tried there are many activities that always keep you in the memory. But I also realize that a priest is part of a presbytery that is at the service of the diocesan church to give her life where they think it convenient. I apologize to this presbytery for if you have been offended by words that could have delivered so misleading.

I apologize also for the statements made that have left no evidence to the Bishopric in the persons of the Bishop and of the Vicar General when I said that "not saying the truth" and that "she was bound to the new destination… totally against my will."

Everything has been resolved well, as it should, so I am very glad to give an account of it.

Certainly, I reiterate, that I go for so I had been proposed by Mr. Bishop and accepted with enthusiasm the new destination. While it is true that in the various conversations, I expressed my desire to remain in these parishes for the reasons mentioned above, I should clarify that my acceptance was not against my will, and that my life is at the service of the Church wherever I need it."


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