Saturday, February 4, 2017

New success of call of Pedro Sanchez in Zaragoza – Digital Sevilla


Hundreds of militants have been bundled up for Pedro Sanchez in Zaragoza and have had to stay out the overflow again to all of the provisions.

This morning has been celebrated in Zaragoza, a new large public gathering, Pedro Sanchez, in which the local elected has become small again, as has happened in previous acts. The former secretary-general, and candidate for re-be, has entered acclaimed by the militancy and embraced by leaders and deputies of the PSOE, Susana Sumelzo, Odón Elorza, Zaida Cantera and Jose Luis Abalos.

To the output, has spoken to the hundreds of militants who have not been able to enter and they have been very grateful for the support shown since a long time and your assistance.

at The beginning of his speech, Pedro Sánchez has requested a round of applause for the Cancer patients in the world day of the fight against this disease. Has subsequently been describing your project party, a socialist party 'autonomous, left-wing, coherent, and credible, that it complies with the given word'. Sanchez wants a united party and return to belong to the militants. The candidate to the secretariat-general has stated that 'above all, the polls, the primaries, who legitimize it is to the socialist party in its entirety'. The 'no to Rajoy is a big yes to political change and regeneration, democratic for our country' has defended.

Sanchez has claimed that the PSOE is a party plural, and of the left, where the 'companions' catalans will be able to vote without threats. "Our goal is clear, to unite the socialist party, to unite the forces of change and defeat the right." she said with a militancy that screamed 'Peter’s chair', 'is Not'.

The former secretary-general has reminded us that your project is open, plural and participatory, and that calls to recover in the primaries. He thanked the members and the platforms the ability to transform 'the frustration of these months in hope'. Pedro Sanchez has referred to 'a spokesman for the right,' that is 'very worried about if we win the primary. And they don’t lack reason because the PP he is concerned a left autonomous, credible and strong that we want to be the Spanish Socialist Worker’s Party. Then he said that there is to explain to the rest of the militants 'why we take a step to the front (…) first, because it is not the time of resignation, are times of engagement' and then list the problems of poverty, lack of equality of men and women, the inequality between the rich and the poor, 'children that suffer from poverty', the emigration, the long-term unemployment and other examples t hat 'we take a step to the front to retrieve the socialist party and turn it into an alternative to the governments of the right'.

Pedro Sánchez has pointed out that 'there are two paths, only two – ' the return to being an alternative to the right, or the Manager who has 'located the party in no man’s land'.


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