Sunday, January 22, 2017

Unity among christians will be the fruit of consensus, but for “approach to jesus Christ” – ACI Prensa

MADRID, 21 Jan. 17 / 11:45 pm (ICA).- The Bishop of Cordoba (Spain), Mons. Demetrio Fernandez, speaks in his pastoral letter weekly on the week of prayer for christian unity, which this year is celebrated from the 18 to the 25 of January, on the occasion of the feast of the conversion of Saint Paul.

As she explains it, "the unity of christians will not be the result of a consensus between the parties, in which some give on one side and the other on the other, but the result of a greater closeness to jesus Christ that has called us together in his Church and has entrusted us with all christians the mission of proclaiming the Gospel to all peoples".

In that sense, accurately, that "the reference point of the unit is, therefore, jesus Christ" and "the place of that drive will be to his holy Church."

During the past year have taken place, events that have marked historic milestones towards unity, as the encounter of Pope Francis with Patriarch Cyril of Moscow, Havana, or the joint field visit to Lesbos of the Pope and the Patriarch Bartholomew to take an interest in refugees.

The trips of Pope Francis to Armenia and Georgia were important steps in the mutual communication and spiritual communion in the Lord.

however, Mons. Fernandez said that "an event of singular importance has been the 'Holy and Great Council of the Orthodox Church' in Crete during the month of June."

A path towards unity of christians, the Prelate encouraged to accompany "with much prayer and penance. For the unity of christians in a single Church, with all the sacraments, in unity of faith and under the authority of the Successor of Peter, has to be a gift of God implored insistently".

in Addition have been asked that "the gifts of God that we have already received, let us strive to live with greater intensity: the Word of God, the Eucharist and other sacraments, the witness of fraternal charity at all levels. All of that is going to build the unity of the Church, and that unity has a mirror immediately in the evangelization of our world."

Mons. Fernandez has also expressed his desire that in the week of prayer for the unity of christians is open up "our arms to all the brothers who by the same baptism we are one Body for a fraternal embrace sincere and full of hope" and encouraged them to be "powered by the love of Christ that impels us to live together. Mary is the only mother of all, mother and what he likes the most is to see his children united. She reaches us the gift of unity in the Church."

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