Tuesday, January 31, 2017

A Spanish civil servant charged with 50,000 euros per year and is not going to never work – RT in Spanish – international News

One of the heads of unit of the General File and Photo of the Provincial council of Valencia is called Carles Recio, and his salary is close to 50,000 euros. Each working day, tab your entry at 07:30 and its output from 15:30. None of this would be unlikely if it were not for an important ‘detail’: Carles Recio does not play absolutely no role, doesn’t work, nor even remain in his workplace during his working hours.

How is this possible? As the newspaper ‘The World’ he explains in his note to the context, in this case “can be simplified as an official for which created a position ‘to finger’ and never exercised or worked in the functions entrusted to them despite the fact that it has always received a paycheck for them“. In the Relationship of Jobs of the File consists effectively Carlos Recio as the head of the Bibliographical Unit, but it is the only trace of its connection with the institution. Your name doesn’t appear in any edition or publication of the center.

“Other evidence of the service of the provincial archives do not count in your template with Rushing is that in the directory of workers of the web page the background of the documentary does not appear any mention of this official. In the directory you justify each and every one of the functions of the job: from the direction, passing by the archivists, technical, administrative, and responsible for room and deposits, up to the fellows”, informs ‘The World’.

Excuses vague

That same newspaper called several times to the centre where you work Carles Recio and asked for it. The employees there confirmed to him that “this worker is not ever in your place of work or have any type of relationship with the rest of the employees because it only goes to the center to negotiate the holidays”. Later they managed to contact with the Carles Recio. In another article, detailing the answers that they obtained from him, almost all cryptic and evasive. The official in charge of work is explained by saying: “I’ve only done what I have asked you to do”. When asked why he has dedicated all these years makes vague references to who is “developing projects” and limiting these explanations to point out that “when the time comes, and the place will justify everything he has done in the Deputation”.

According to his own explanation, does not provide documentation or evidence relating to its alleged task during the past 10 years “for reasons of confidentiality”. Finally, it makes a kind of promise that seems to contain a shade threatening: “Some day I will tell why I was sent to File” describes the official in, what seems to be a direct allusion to a situation that was experienced in 2006, when the then president of the Council, Fernando Giner, dismissed from the post of Head of Publications and sent the File as a retaliation for a previous dispute.

it Seems that, in the end, there has been so harmed. Collect 50,000 without having to work does not seem precisely a punishment very hard. In any case, is an example of a situation that may be more usual than we think. That kind of official appointed ‘to finger’ (by the so-called ‘system of free designation’), which contained nominally and collect their salary without performing any function, is a form of public corruption that has been detected recently in Spain with some frequency, and has been the subject of numerous controversies.


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