Monday, January 23, 2017

“Persevere in prayer”, the exhortation of Pope Francis – Journal of The Argentine

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"Persevere in prayer", the exhortation of Pope Francis

The following is the exhortation of Pope Francis, after the Angelus shared yesterday in the Vatican. we’re in the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. This year has as its theme an expression of Saint Paul, who shows us the way to follow.

And it says: "The love of Christ impels us to reconciliation" (cf 2 Cor 5,14). Next Wednesday will conclude the Week of Prayer with the celebration of Vespers in the Basilica of St. Paul Outside the walls, which will be attended by the brothers and sisters of other Churches and christian Communities present in Rome. I invite you to persevere in prayer, with the purpose of fulfilling the desire of Jesus: "That they may all be one" (Jn 17: 21). In recent days, the earthquake and the heavy snowfalls have once again put to a hard test to many of our brothers and sisters in the center of Italy, especially in Abruzzo, The marche and Lazio. I am close with prayer and affection to the families who have been victims among their loved ones. I encourage all who dedicate themselves with great generosity to the efforts of aid and assistance; as well as the local Churches, which are working to alleviate the suffering and difficulties. Thank you for this closeness, for your work and the concrete help that aportais. Thank you! And I invite you to pray together to the Virgin for the victims and also for those who, with great generosity, are committed in the relief operations. In the far East and in various parts of the world, millions of men and women are preparing to celebrate the conclusion of the lunar Year on the 28th of January. My cordial greeting to all their families, with the desire to become more and more a school where you learn to respect the other, to communicate and to care for each other in a disinterested manner. The joy of love can be spread within families and that it radiates to all of society. I Greet you all, faithful of Rome and pilgrims from various countries, especially the group of girls of Panama, and to the students of the Institute "Diego Sanchez" Talavera la Reina in Spain. I Greet the members of the Catholic Union, teachers, managers, educators and trainers, who finished the 25 ° National Congress, and I hope fo r them to successful educational work in collaboration with families. You always work in collaboration with families! And please, don’t forget to pray for me.

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