Friday, April 22, 2016

Spanish bishops celebrate 50 years of the Episcopal Conference – CNA

MADRID, Apr 22. 16 / 10:07 a.m. ( ACI ) .- From 18 to 22 April was held the Plenary Assembly of the Spanish Episcopal Conference (CEE), headed by its president Cardinal Ricardo Blazquez, along with the bishops of the dioceses.

in a press conference on Friday April 22 in Madrid, Fr. Jose Maria Gil Tamayo, spokesman and secretary general of the EEC, explained the main points who have treated these days as the 50th anniversary of the EEC.

The bishops issued a message on the occasion of this great anniversary of the Church in Spain, where they showed their appreciation for the work carried out at this time and noted that the EEC is primarily a body service to the bishops. They also pointed out their work as peacemakers, peacemakers and human rights activists.

In a statement the prelates also ask forgiveness “for the occasions when we have failed to live up to the gospel demands that as pastors of the Church, was expected of us.”

During this half century, the Spanish bishops have tried, as pointing in the statement, “avoid unilateral positions, recognizing and enhancing the diversity of charisms”.

as for the future, members of EEC renewed their commitment to work “exciting and hopeful” way, encouraged by Pope Francisco to launch “a more intense pastoral and missionary conversion” with a “full of compassion and mercy towards the world look” and “realism and confidence, because Christian hope beyond all disappointment, resignation or indifference”.

political unrest in Spain

Given the political instability in Spain by the inability to form a government since the general elections of December 20, the spokesman for the Spanish bishops, Father Gil Tamayo, has encouraged politicians to end the “climate of lack of understanding.”

“Those who lead the social life should communicate more broadly,” she said spokesman EEC referring to the main leaders of the political parties who in recent days have exchanged messages through Twitter, but yet they have not reached an agreement that allows them to form a government and avoid a second general election.

“We need a space for dialogue and harmony and we must put aside exclusions” because, according to Father Gil Tamayo said, “can not be indefinitely uncertainty and tentativeness” .

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