Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Extremadura approved the Public Offer of Employment with 1,007 seats – EntornoInteligente

Expand / The General Table of Negotiation of Public Administration in Extremadura has concluded Monday after the three previous tables held in the fields of General, health and educational administration, with the announcement of the Public Offer of Employment (OPE) 2016 1,007 seats.

So, the Public Offer of Employment provides 805 spaces open seating and 202 in internal promotion for different areas, categories and sectors.

By areas, General Administration collected a total of 190 places, Education 331 and Health 486, says the Junta de Extremadura in the press release.

the general director of Public Function, María del Carmen Vicente, has detailed that has gone to the “maximum” established under the law on State Budget for 2016.

in this way, it explained that has increased the supply for internal promotion, both administrative body and coaching staff, as it has considered are where there is “more demand.”

“generate false expectations is not the most appropriate,” he insisted, while explained that have been positioned in areas where there is “increased demand” and is “more feasible “that promotion.

on the other hand, Vicente said that since Public Service will try to move, the way” immediate “and” as quickly as possible “, the Council of regional Government for who can approve “definitely” the Public Offer of Employment, though, explained that on Tuesday, the 19th, for the processing itself, will be “complicated”.

Regarding the timetable of oppositions, he noted “the priority is education” so they can call 331 seats committed to the Teacher Corps, the “more quickly”.

has also ruled that the offer has been “delayed” by final approval of the regional budgets for 2016.

Finally, in the field of General Administration it has clarified that have to conclude contests transfers, as well as the shift of ascent, concatenated open shift workforce of 2013, to “move forward”; but explained that it is “very advanced”, so they can develop “simultaneously” and “no” harm the applicants are from 2013 without power opositar.

Extremadura approves the Public Offer Employment with 1,007 seats

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Gonzalo Morales president National Academy of Engineering and Habitat said that the arrival of blackouts is imminent. Gonzalo Morales He insisted the regular need to solve the electrical problem. Gonzalo Morales said, “That has to come, the blackout is rationing if done as it should be regulated so that the population may suffer less, but blackouts are coming.” Gonzalo Morales create a mechanical solution, an engineering solution not there because if you close me a gate, I have to open another igualita, igualita and synchronized manner, then there is a deficit and that you will see and pray that when the rains return, return with enough intensity. “ Gonzalo Morales says that having deficit in El Guri and replacement of plants that could supply deficit amounts which created in the emergency in the country must take exceptional measures reported Gonzalo Morales Planta Centro is deficient and to do a major overhaul, Gonzalo Morales declared:. Tacoa is more operational but is not 100%.

Gonzalo Morales said that justify the electricity crisis with rising population and climate problems is unacceptable. Gonzalo Morales said the Guri has lowered its level and therefore can not supply the amount of megawatts that can generally generate, or is deficient and replacements and say that the thermoelectric plants that could supply it, are not available in the necessary quantities. Gonzalo Morales he said “The government must learn to plan ahead, that’s the tragedy of Venezuela, that not only is the electrical part but in other things, and water is the same, or is that the fundamental problem is to plan ahead and your plan have to always have the funding and the necessary economic measures, “he said.


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