Saturday, January 24, 2015

The Spanish police arrested four suspected jihadists in Ceuta – Caracol Radio

The Spanish police arrested four suspected jihadists in Ceuta – Caracol Radio

(Adds details and statements of Interior Minister)

Madrid, Jan 24 (EFE) .- The Spanish police have arrested this morning in the city of Ceuta in North Africa, four suspected jihadists “strongly radicalized”, according to Minister of Interior of Spain, Jorge Fernandez Diaz.

The four arrested are two sets of brothers, highly trained and were willing to commit an attack and even immolate in the attempt, the minister said.

Fernández Díaz said told reporters that, according to information supplied to him to the police, the cell dismantled saved “many parallels” with terrorists who recently attempted in Paris against Charlie Hebdo magazine last January 7 and caused twelve dead.

Police investigators believe that the detainees, a Spanish and Moroccan origin, had the “strong determination to attack” and if it had been necessary to sacrifice themselves.

They also had a strong “psychological preparation, in addition to physical and handling weapons,” the minister told reporters.

Fernández Díaz stressed the “strong determination” that the detainees had to commit an attack and its “ability” to carry out, while stressing the importance of the police operation, because when the January 7th level three terror alert was activated was knowing what were the “threats” to Spain and the rest of the EU and the Western community.

“We have no greater nor specific level of additional risk” with respect to other countries but “obviously not are out of that threat, “said the interior minister.

Along with the arrests have been two records, which found combat uniforms, hoods, knives and a handgun.

The minister recalled that last year conducted numerous operations twelve jihadist networks were dismantled dozens of arrested terrorists and brought to justice, and in the same line operation today is framed.

The four suspected jihadists arrested will be flown by helicopter to Madrid to be made available to the Spanish National Court.

These are the first arrests in Spain after the attacks in Paris two weeks ago against the drafting of the satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo and a Jewish supermarket, 7 and January 9, respectively.

After the bombing of the French magazine, the Spanish Interior Ministry raised the terror alert level .

The anti-terrorist operation conducted this morning in the Spanish city of Ceuta is the first of its kind practiced so far this year in Spain.

Throughout 2014 Spanish security forces arrested 40 suspected jihadists, many thanks to the collaboration of Morocco. EFE


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