Sunday, January 25, 2015

Rajoy tries to raise its image with the advance of the left – La Gaceta Tucumán

Rajoy tries to raise its image with the advance of the left – La Gaceta Tucumán

MADRID The Spanish Prime, Mariano Rajoy , yesterday became the closing speech of the national conclave of his Popular Party (PP) in his first major election rally of the year. “The change has already occurred,” he said, referring to the economic recovery that preaches for months.

Clinging to the data of employment and economic growth, presented his government as savior of Spain in the midst of the crisis and tried to discredit its two main competitors in the race to La Moncloa: the Socialist Party (PSOE ) and we.

“What would have happened in these two years without a Popular Party government?” Rajoy asked to hers in a speech nearly an hour. “Spain is not for setbacks in time or leaps in the dark,” he said.

Rajoy was referring to the governance of the PSOE until 2011, at which he blamed the economic woes of Spain, but also can, the leftist who burst onto Spain in European elections May and in just a few months became opponent of PP.

The polls show the formation of university professors Pablo Iglesias , sister of SYRIZA in Greece, as the first in voting intentions, exalted by the dissatisfaction of citizens in a context marked by economic crisis and corruption cases.

“We know that the extremists have never brought anything good. We know that the difficult problems not made to face with radicalism, with demagoguery and even less with messianic and doctrinaire approaches “shot Rajoy. Likewise, the chief executive offered stability, work and results. “Talking is easy, govern in such hard times, no,” he said.

While the formation of left has become one of the first political forces in the polls, Rajoy’s party lost support ahead of the election dates in May and November. In the European elections of May lost 2.6 million votes compared to 2009, one third of their electorate.

Corruption could become the Achilles heel of the PP. This weekend, the national convention that the party held in Madrid was marked by the release from prison of former treasurer of training Luis Barcenas , charged with several alleged offenses as part of a plot that hits the PP for over two years.

Bárcenas insists that there was a fraudulent accounting PP that some senior and former senior leaders benefited. The former treasurer could become dangerous for the conservative training in an election year in which it plays every element. (DPA)


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