Abdsalam Haj Thajer, it has 17 years, practiced islam and was born in the same village as the dead child in the Mediterranean, Aylan Kurdi (Kobane). It is the first child syrian who came to Spain as received.
Yesterday she appeared before the Supreme Court, in charge of issues on migration and asylum. Your request must be lost in one of the drawers of the bureaucracy. After the story, the authorities must decide what is going to happen with him, who in January attained 18 years of age and still don’t have proper papers.
With 17, years Abdesalam already spent four months in a prison. His crime: being kurdish.
His life changed when he was 15 years old. An evening in which it was transported on the periphery of Aleppo, then and have attended an examination of the secondary school was abducted by members of the terrorist organization calling itself the Islamic State, along with 300 other children of between 13 and 16 years.
The jihadists became a school in the prison, and there were introduced the teens.
"We stood up to the five of five in the morning and we bathe with cold water. So began all the days. There were guys with 13 years there, they were the most afraid were. We were 300 children. I was four months, " said the child to the Spanish daily The World.
In a fluid Spanish, the young man narrated the time of his capture.
"we Returned to do a few exams in Aleppo in several buses. I was happy because it had gone well. When you reach the bridge at Manbij, EI stopped us and pointed. I can kill you. I can throw you over this bridge down now. I can do with you whatever I want, they told us," said the child.
Abdsalam who also reported being a victim of torture and abuse psychological on the part of the jihadists.
"you’re kurdish and non-muslim we can kill you right now", were the words they used to refer to infants.
In the prison radical the more than 300 children were crowded together, shared a plate of food between four people and their relatives were unaware of his whereabouts.
"You woke up long before the sun rose. A cold bath and you began to pray. I was told to call and they said that if you killed the infidels, you’d have 72 women to you only in Paradise, we are not fussed of this world. Then let us sleep until twelve in the morning," he said.
"That one School had two floors. In the above we were. In the one below , they had a room for paste. Some children have applied electric shocks; others sat in a chair, hands tied behind the back and with a rope were pulling a rope up to them they fold the arms, then took the chair; others are hung from the feet, upside down, and one did it as if it were a boxer giving a bag to my only he beat me. I remember the cries of my friends in the torture they are noises that I will not forget. Think about that the next you are going to be you." After the disappearance of the parents assumed that the young had died.
"it made Me mad that they believed that it was better muslims: the good muslim does not kill … and that’s why I was better than them. Cried the smaller ones did laugh to forget. All the nights I said that I had to leave that place.. I care about my family, my life will not be with this people, I have dreams," and set up a plan to escape.
Abdsalam won the trust of a guard,got a key and after a few days he could escape from the prison along with 12 other children.
" When I called my mother with the currency that kept you dropped the phone of the joy. Thought he was dead do Not know me? I am your son. I’m out of jail," he said.
so far this year, at least 31 thousand children came to Europe from syria and other conflict regions. There are at least 10 thousand missing children.
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