Friday, September 23, 2016

Completes the term of study in the parishes of the preliminary draft of the Diocesan Pastoral Plan of Evangelization – NoticiasReligiosas (press Release) (blog)

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VALENCIA, 21 SEP. (AVAN).- The parishes of the diocese will end this Friday, in the period of study of the draft of the new Diocesan Pastoral Plan of Evangelization sent on the 1st of September by the Archbishop of Valencia.

So, ends the deadline for submission of amendments in the face to the Diocesan Assembly convened for the coming October 15 in which is subject to approval of the Plan, according to have indicated today to the agency ADVANCED the Vicar of Evangelization, Javier Llopis.

The draft includes, among other actions, 18 proposals and 233 lines pastoral priority for the diocese in areas such as co-responsibility at the service of Evangelization, the proclamation of the Word of God, liturgy and service of Charity, he added.

These propositions are based on the answers given to the questionnaires before the summer by the own parishes, communities and groups participating in the Itinerary Diocesan Evangelization (IDE), then the Itinerary of the Diocesan Renewal (IDR) that has been carried out in the diocese of Valencia since 2010.

The questionnaires whose responses were based on the draft included "essential aspects of evangelization" as the christian initiation, how to evangelize, care of the sick, pastoral care of vocations, youth ministry and family, as well as the analysis and reflection in relation to the operation of the parish councils; associations of the faithful, movements, or groups and their integration into parish life; – groups animation of parish life that are needed; the relationship between the parish, vicariate, vicariate and diocese; and the presence and activity of the Consecrated Life.

So, during the months of July and August we developed the draft Pastoral Plan that 1 September was sent, again, to the parishes and groups to make amendments.

After the study of the amendments that are now presented by the commission, will be convened a Diocesan Assembly October 15 in the Cathedral of Valencia to the approval of the Diocesan Pastoral Plan of Evangelization that after ratifying the cardinal archbishop of Valencia, Antonio Cañizares. Finally, it is expected that the new Diocesan Pastoral Plan in force in the month of November. (ADVANCED)

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