Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Spain is experiencing a “heat wave” abnormal – lagranepoca

Spain lives a “heat wave” abnormal (photo Imgorthand / Getty Images)

Up to 38 Spanish provinces are alert these days in extreme temperatures. It seems that summer, far left, is lagging behind. It seems that September brings more heat than you would expect. What this new heat wave is? What can we expect of it? Have we suffered waves of this nature before?

Are we facing a real heat wave?

Technically speaking, a heat wave, according to the State Meteorological Agency (AEMET) it must meet certain characteristics: heatwave “to be considered” “for three consecutive days over 10% of the cities have to reach the threshold of orange notice,” explains for Hipertextual Modesto Sanchez, spokesman AEMET, “this episode of high temperatures, of course, is unusual for this time of year but not the first we have lived”.

from Department of Geophysics and Meteorology at the Complutense University of Madrid, Carlos Yagüe Anguis, director, tells us that both the persistence of several days as the values ​​that are reaching temperatures, we face something unusual. “It is unusual for such high temperatures are reached or that extend many days in September”.

Have there been other before?

Yes. As explained AEMET spokesman, in 1988 there was another similar to this wave. Throughout the data collected by the Agency there have been other similar anomalies . Few, but existing, as we can see. Yes, this episode is somewhat remarkable when compared to the previous ones.

What is special?

As noted by Carlos Yagüe, we had other waves of significant heat in summer. But in this month they are not as common. “According to the records, the record high temperature Series Madrid-Retiro was 37 and was reached in 1988, but yesterday, the maximum was 37.8, which would have broken the record maximum temperature for the month of September”. Indeed, Modesto Sanchez confirmed us this fact: “we must be very cautious with this type of information, but yesterday historical extreme values ​​were recorded for September in twenty stations throughout Spain”

These data can be viewed on the page of the Agency, where we saw more than two dozen stations beating the historical limit of temperatures. Although, again, these data must be considered with caution.

Why is it happening?

In order to safely meet a need for more data and longer. It is still early to say. A meteorological level know that the Azores anticyclone continues to cause rising temperatures on the peninsula . But to try to understand a little better the weather, we can just throw some hypotheses. One of them could be due to the child

Professor Belen Rodriguez de Fonseca , Department of Geophysics and Meteorology at the Complutense de Madrid, tells us more about the weather. ” when finishing a child all over the state of the atmosphere is very upset; much energy that results in movement is released and this causes the air around the globe circulation change abnormally. This could be a cause, although it would be studied “. Although you can not draw a reliable relationship between the two phenomena it is not unreasonable to think that something has to do. “When just the child and get the child , in Europe, droughts and heat waves often occur,” says Bethlehem.


” La Niña “phenomenon associated with the cycle” El Niño “, which climatically speaking dominates much of meteorological events in the tropics of our planet. Both “El Niño” and “La Niña” have consequences globally, and particularly affect this side of the Atlantic, the climate of Europe.

What happens is that this episode concrete could be associated with the child “stresses the researcher,” but is not shown . It might not. In the transitions between the child and child can be enough circulation changes. It’s very interesting. “

Indeed, Sanchez insists caution when taking for good one or the other hypothesis. “Any study of climate rating linking this phenomenon to the child, climate change or something else needs to complete the entire series of data, data from other countries and more information so that climatologists can correlate certain conclusions. The findings of 2015 were published in June 2016 “.

With these words, the Agency spokesman insists that the findings need a lot of time and work to reach a reliable point.

What can we expect?

This is one of the most complex questions to answer. The State Meteorological Agency, with mathematical and statistical models makes a reliable prediction for the next ten days. From here the trend is measured.

“For the next week and for the next seems that high temperatures are also expected, above average and returning to normal for the last of the month, but it’s still a bit early to say “.

to date, over the last two years we have broken several records of monthly temperature, as well as historical. This does not help us to predict the temperature will, but it looks like the weather will remain warm in the coming months.

Does this have anything to do with climate change?

 global warming

again, the most important thing is to be cautious when interpreting the data. “Without a previous study, it is difficult to attribute this phenomenon to global warming “, explains Carlos Yagüe, “however, it is true that many studies indicate that extreme situations, especially heat waves, are expected as a result of climate change, “he says.

This expert also tells us that in cities there is a heat source added due to urban effect. “It’s what we call effect of urban heat island . Air conditioning, for example, can help raise the average temperature by about two degrees Celsius in summer. In the evenings makes the city cost you much lower temperature compared to the surrounding countryside. “

As we can see, it is a complex matter to determine. While it appears that there are indeed reasons to believe in global warming as an agent affecting this phenomenon, there are many other factors that affect daily in the local climate.

we still wait some time to formalize or rule out the guesswork. Meanwhile we have no other to be cautious, avoid physical efforts during the most intense hours, rehydrate lot and make the most of the cooler hours of the day.

Original article here


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