Thursday, September 29, 2016

Dome Spanish socialist resigns to force the resignation of Sánchez – Hispan TV (press Release)

17 of the 35 members of the Federal Executive of the PSOE presented officially his resignation to force the departure of Pedro Sanchez of the general secretariat.

it Is a strategy designed in the last few days to precipitate the dissolution of this body, and force the fall of the secretary-general of the Spanish Socialist workers Party (PSOE), Pedro Sánchez, have informed today, Wednesday, local media.

responsible to deliver the signatures at the headquarters of the PSOE in Madrid (capital) have been the secretary of the Federal Policy of the PSOE, Antonio Pradas —leader of the socialist federation of andalusian— and Eva Matarín, secretary of Immigration of the formation.

Among the dimisionarios, in addition to Antonio Pradas and Eva Matarín, include the president of the PSOE, Micaela Navarro, the president of Castilla-La Mancha, Emiliano García-Page; the Community of Valencia, Ximo Puig; the secretary of International Relations, Carme Chacón, and the exdirigente madrid, Tomás Gómez.

have Also resigned members of the Executive María José Sánchez Rubio (secretary of Health), José Miguel Pérez García (secretary of Education), Estefanía Martín Palop (Training secretary), Luz Rodriguez (secretary of Employment), Naomi Cross (secretary for Development Cooperation), Manuela Galiano (director of Small Municipalities), Juan Pablo Durán, Carlos Perez, Ascension Murillo and Francisco Pizarro.

With this measure, the socialist leaders aim to prevent the federal committee of the next Saturday put to the vote the convening of a congress the express and primary to the general secretariat on 23 October, as it had announced Sanchez.

This vote will serve to determine the position of the socialists, and decide whether to allow the conservative Popular Party (PP) to form minority Government, or if you expect a third general election. The other option that Sanchez continues to pose is to try to form an alternative Government to that of the president of the Spanish Government, Mariano Rajoy, along with ‘forces of change’.

how many signatures could force the departure of Sanchez?

critics, meanwhile, argue that the resignation of more than half (19) of the members of the Executive Committee results in the cessation of the federal leadership of the PSOE, including the general secretary, and forced the creation of a management company.

In accordance with the Statutes of the PSOE, if it resigns, “one-half plus one” of the members of the Executive, there must be a Federal Committee extraordinary to appoint a new party leadership, which would involve the replacement of the secretary-general.

The PSOE Federal Executive Committee is composed of 38 members, but currently they are 35, since the death of Pedro Zerolo, and the resignation of two members that have not been replaced, José Ramón Goméz-Besteiro (Galicia-spain) and Javier Abreu (Tenerife). In line with this, the federations critics believe that the 17 resignations are sufficient for dismounting the secretary-general, because, next to the low previous, add one-half plus one of the organ.



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