Thursday, September 29, 2016

The amazing rescue of a little girl portrays the suffering of civilians in Aleppo, Syria –

In a desperate search for survivors in the midst of the intense shelling on Aleppo released the forces of the regime of Bashar al-Assad and his allies, russians, civilians and relief agencies managed to rescue a young girl, sole survivor of a building that collapsed in the east of the syrian city.

Rawan rests in the Hospital after being rescued.

Your name is Rawan Alowsh, and knows no peace: you have five years, the same amount of time that has passed since you started the civil war that is now consuming his country. The impressive pictures of your rescue, you join the other children hit by the war: the photo of Omran Daqneesh, the small rescued from a bombing that became a symbol of the suffering of children who remain in Syria; and the image of Alan Kurdi, the baby of three years who died trying to reach Europe with his family, whose image traveled the world as a portrait of the afugias by the passing of the refugees fleeing that country.

The image of Rawan as it is released from the rubble to become another symbol, this time of the difficult situation that crosses Aleppo, bombed from a week ago by the forces of Al-Assad and Russia.

The attacks in that city have been considered the worst "humanitarian catastrophe unseen in Syria", as assures the head of humanitarian operations of the UN, Stephen O’brien. There remain trapped the other 100,000 children, between the fences of the areas that are being bombed on a daily basis and without a break.



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