Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Venezuelans in Mexico require revocation of mandate Maduro – Radio Sunday

Venezuelans ask to be made this year a recall referendum against Maduro process under the Constitution, believing that no longer represents as President.

The main opposition party, the Bureau of Democratic Unity (MUD), convened the march on September 1 where unofficial sources claim that approximately 1,500,000 people participated.

in addition, three of the four largest parties have supported the demonstration.

the MEP stressed that throughout the European Union is demanding respect Maduro constitutional mandates among which is the call of the recall referendum. Except for the leftist coalition Unidos Podemos, responsible government and conservative Popular Party (PP), the PSOE (Socialists) and Citizens (liberals) were in the protest called together the referendum, freedom of political prisoners.

“We maintain our roots and our struggle for our Venezuelan brothers are free and in Venezuela there is democracy,” said the president of the organization Persecuted Venezuelan Political Exile (Veppex), Jose Antonio Colina , told the Herald .

Becerra pointed out that “follows the harassment and imprisonment opponents” and also continues to grow “shortages and deaths from lack health care in hospitals “.

on Saturday and there were demonstrations in the two main cities of the Canary Islands (Las Palmas and Santa Cruz Tenerife) and Barcelona.

Eva Sanchez, spokeswoman platform Help Venezuela, Maduro blames the regime of “do what he wants” because it rejects the humanitarian aid received from other countries.


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