is The first time was the evening of Tuesday 27 September, shortly before the 11 of the night:, suddenly, they sighted a bright ball of fire flying over the sky of Castilla La Mancha. According to informs the newspaper ‘Abc’, “the fenÃ3meno occurred when a meteor impactÃ3 against the atmÃ3sfera earth at an altitude of 111 km on the province of Albacete, and desapareciÃ3 to about 75 km on the south of the province of Cuenca”.
According to the analyses of professor Jose Maria Madiedo, a astrÃ3nomo and professor of the University of Huelva quoted in the same medium, “the object comes from the comet 2P/Encke and are associated to the meteor shower of the Táuridas”.
Here you can see the image of the ball of fire, whose radiance asombrÃ3 to multiple witnesses who were able to witness his step, as many media comunicaciÃ3n and users have been disseminated on Twitter:
And here we can see his stride on video:
A second ball of fire
In the early hours of this Friday have been spotted two balls of fire: one of new on the regiÃ3n de Castilla la Mancha and the other on AndalucÃa. They were both of smaller size than the sighted last Tuesday, and apparently its origin has nothing to do with here©all, since, according to picks up the web portal Antena 3 basáon informaciÃ3n released by the Complex AstronÃ3mico of Hita (Toledo), “the rocks that were generated from different kites”.
According to this instituciÃ3n, the first of the balls of fire spotted last night impactÃ3 in the atmÃ3sfera to 1.10. Your tour visible iniciÃ3 approximately 98 kilÃ3metros of altitude over the atlantic, off the coast of Huelva, and is extinguiÃ3 in the vicinity of the vertical of the town of Lepe (Huelva province), almost 38 kilÃ3metros height. The second atravesÃ3 Castilla-La Mancha to the 2.37 hours.
social networks have reflected the fascinaciÃ3n that led to these rare events astronÃ3micos.
The following images correspond to the sighted on Castilla la Mancha:
Source: RT
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