Sunday, September 25, 2016

Almost 1,700 galicians and basques will be able to vote in Uruguay for the regional –

A total of 1.602 gallegos and 68 basques will be able to go to the polls in Uruguay to vote in the regional elections in Galicia and the Basque Country, in a voting process in the city of Montevideo, which began Wednesday and will last until Sunday, September 25, reported to Efe sources consular.

In Uruguay there are 36.592 people from the lands of galicia registered in the Electoral Census of Absent Residents (CERA), and of these, 1.602 are enabled to exercise their right to vote, have successfully completed all the steps necessary to do this, as reported by the National Statistics Institute of spain (INE).

Until the time of the 1602 applications accepted in galicia, have exercised their right to vote 1.119 people, a 3% of the total of the census, of which 934 have done so through the vote-by-mail, and 185 through the ballot in the ballot box.

For the election of basque, a total of 62 people are enabled to exercise their right to vote, according to the INE, of 1.595 basques that are contained in the Electoral Census of Absent Residents (CERA).

According to the official data provided by the Spanish Consulate, 53 basques have exercised their right to vote until the moment, a 3,40% of the total census, with 15 votes performed directly by the ballot box, and 38 were sent by mail.

For residents WAX that you have decided to carry out formalities for exercising their right to vote, may vote through two modes: for vote-by-mail certificate with a deadline of September 20, and the other is to deposit it directly in the ballot box of the electoral board.

The polling station is located in the headquarters of the Consulate of Spain in Montevideo from Wednesday 21 to Sunday 25, both days inclusive.

The hours for voting in person are, for the Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday, from 08.30 local time (11.30 GMT) until 20.00 local time (23.00 GMT), while Friday and Sunday will be open between 8.30 and 17.00 local time (11.30-20.00 GMT).

During the regional elections in both regions in 2012, we recorded a total to 1,766 votes for the galician community, in so much that for the polls basque was a total of 82 people who exercised their right to vote.

In Uruguay there are a total of around 68,000 spaniards registered in the Electoral Census of Absent Residents (CERA).


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