Wednesday, September 14, 2016

New Study Reveals the best university in Latin America – Red Erbol

At No. 85 QS World University Ranking 2004 which is made from the University of Buenos Aires (UBA) appears. The Argentina educational institution is best positioned in Latin America in this study by Quacquarelli Symonds, a study center on higher education.

Moving forward 39 positions compared to the previous year, “the UBA reaches its best position historically, the highest performance among Argentine institutions and the second highest in the Latin American level since the beginning of the ‘rankings’ in 2004, “the authors of the scale reported.

University of Buenos Aires (UBA) / Faculty  of Natural Sciences University of Buenos Aires (UBA) / Faculty of Natural Sciences

in addition to its good location in the ranking overall, the house studies Argentina’s capital is among the 50 most valued by academics around the world; He advanced 60 positions in the faculty / student ratio to 2015; It increased the proportion of international faculty; and reached the location 25 on the indicator reputation among employers.

A sustained work

Alberto Barbieri, president of the UBA since 2013 said: “we are in the elite of world education”. But he said that in his view these rankings “do not represent a real assessment of the real impact it has on society leading to a university.” But since “the world takes into account, it is very important.” Also recalled that this assessment is divided into two sections: “. One, international, and other Latin American In both we are getting better,” he said

The rector said that this “is a message to the authorities.” . Education “must be a priority of Argentines, whatever the government”. He added: “.. We come ascending in the ‘rankings’ and this indicates that implemented successful policies must support them and prevent wages of researchers and teachers deteriorate”

 University of S & # XE3; o Paulo / School  of law (Center) University of São Paulo / School of law (Center)

in Latin America the first that follows the UBA is the University of Sao Paulo (Brazil ), ranking 120. Further back are the National Autonomous University of Mexico (128) and the University of Chile (200).

the rest of the world

the first place in the ‘ranking’ remains, as several years ago to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), followed by Americans–also universities Stanford and Harvard. In fourth place was the British Cambridge that for the first time in 12 years, left the podium. In fifth place again a US, the California Institute of Technology (Caltech).

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

The Cambridge situation is not accidental and is part of a general decline in the houses of studies in Britain. Budget cuts and the crisis of ‘Brexit’ are the main reasons. Ben Sowter, head of research at QS, said that “storm clouds over higher education in the UK is looming. The uncertainty suffered by these institutions on funding for research and immigration rules, seems to be hurting, seriously, the reputation in the education sector “.

Meanwhile Nick Hillman, director of the British Institute of University Policies, he said:” we do not know where we’re going to leave positioned the ‘Brexit’, what we do know, is that we have a prime minister who despite having many strengths, has one weak and the university “

Taken from:. Current RT


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