Friday, September 30, 2016

‘Dies’ scrapped the Prince of Asturias – Sputnik World

The vessel, which has about 200 meters length and nearly 25 sleeve, had been auctioned off repeatedly, first for a price of 4.8 million euros, after by 2.9 million, and, finally, a change of eur 2.4 million. Only this last time the auction was successful.

“The winning bidder has been the JV [joint Ventures], formed by the Spanish company Surus Reverse and its partner Turkish, which has facilities for the scrapping of vessels in the port of Aliaga, on the Aegean coast, facing the Greek island of Lesbos”, the newspaper reported the Country.

The aircraft carrier Principe de Asturias was decommissioned in 2013, after 25 years of use, because of the high costs of maintenance and renewal of the boat.


Three balls of fire spotted in the sky of Spain –

is The first time was the evening of Tuesday 27 September, shortly before the 11 of the night:, suddenly, they sighted a bright ball of fire flying over the sky of Castilla La Mancha. According to informs the newspaper ‘Abc’, “the fenÃ3meno occurred when a meteor impactÃ3 against the atmÃ3sfera earth at an altitude of 111 km on the province of Albacete, and desapareciÃ3 to about 75 km on the south of the province of Cuenca”.

According to the analyses of professor Jose Maria Madiedo, a astrÃ3nomo and professor of the University of Huelva quoted in the same medium, “the object comes from the comet 2P/Encke and are associated to the meteor shower of the Táuridas”.

Here you can see the image of the ball of fire, whose radiance asombrÃ3 to multiple witnesses who were able to witness his step, as many media comunicaciÃ3n and users have been disseminated on Twitter:

And here we can see his stride on video:

A second ball of fire

In the early hours of this Friday have been spotted two balls of fire: one of new on the regiÃ3n de Castilla la Mancha and the other on AndalucÃa. They were both of smaller size than the sighted last Tuesday, and apparently its origin has nothing to do with here©all, since, according to picks up the web portal Antena 3 basáon informaciÃ3n released by the Complex AstronÃ3mico of Hita (Toledo), “the rocks that were generated from different kites”.

According to this instituciÃ3n, the first of the balls of fire spotted last night impactÃ3 in the atmÃ3sfera to 1.10. Your tour visible iniciÃ3 approximately 98 kilÃ3metros of altitude over the atlantic, off the coast of Huelva, and is extinguiÃ3 in the vicinity of the vertical of the town of Lepe (Huelva province), almost 38 kilÃ3metros height. The second atravesÃ3 Castilla-La Mancha to the 2.37 hours.

social networks have reflected the fascinaciÃ3n that led to these rare events astronÃ3micos.

The following images correspond to the sighted on Castilla la Mancha:

Source: RT


The statue of Columbus in Barcelona will continue to point to America – W Radio

Madrid, 30 sep (EFE).- The statue of Christopher Columbus that since 1888 is installed in the port of Barcelona will continue to point to America, after which all groups of the city Council of the city have rejected today the withdrawal proposal to training anti-capitalist CUP.

This coalition anti-establishment had raised the replacement of the statue of Columbus at the end of the famous avenue of la Rambla, to place a work an allegory of the resistance of indigenous peoples and the slaves.

The statue of Columbus, who came to America on October 12, 1492, is one of the controversies that accompany it in recent months, some symbols spaniards in the streets of Barcelona and some of its institutions.

So, the room where it is celebrated on the full city Council will no longer be called the Queen Regent, in reference to the portrait of queen María Cristina of Bourbon, to be called the “Hall of Carles Pi i Sunyer”, in honor of the first mayor elected by universal suffrage male and female of the city.

The first lieutenant of mayor, Gerardo Pisarello, has argued that, in order to put in evidence the “colonial dimension” of the monument to Columbus, “does not make missing out” and has explained that, this fall, the city Council has scheduled two conferences of experts and studies señalizarlo and explain their sculptures.

The full city Council of Barcelona has rejected the proposal of the CUP to remove this statue and that of the entrepreneur Antonio López, linked to the traffic of slaves.

The CUP was also proposed to withdraw the Spanish flags and symbols monarchists there are in the municipal offices, to declare working the 12 of October and to ask the Government of the region of Catalonia, which prohibit the concentrations fascists.

In July of 2015, the mayor of Barcelona, Ada Colau, who rules at the helm of a left-wing coalition, decided to remove the bust of king Juan Carlos I (1975-2014) of the plenary hall, with the argument that he was not the head of the Spanish State and because they already had too much symbology within the monarchy at the city hall. EFE


Spain takes measures against paralysis executive – Confidential Colombia (press Release)

The inability to raise budgets and the need to meet the commitments of fiscal consolidation with Brussels requires specific measures with or without the support of other political forces.

“it Is a series of measures which seek to… what some have come to call operation to minimize damage,” said the vice-president-in-office, Soraya Sáenz de Santamaría, after announcing that they have already initiated talks with other political groups.

At a press conference after the council of ministers, Sáenz de Santamaría, announced the planned reform of corporation tax to try to increase the revenue at 8,000 million euros by the end of the year with the aim of tying the deficit targets committed with Brussels.

in Addition, said that they negotiate with other groups, a legislative amendment that allows power transfer to the autonomous communities and town councils the new deficit targets agreed with Brussels that, under the present conditions, may not be modified, despite the fact that Brussels approved a relaxation.

“We are looking to raise a proposition of law of modification of the organic law of budgetary stability that would allow a functioning government, and provided that the EU modify the path to fiscal, be able to bring it to the courts and to change it,” he said.

*With information from Reuters and Europa Press


Saharawi women ask EU to “take seriously”, and then press to Morocco – Terra Chile

Representatives of Organizations of saharawi Women denounced today with the European Parliament (EP) that suffer violations of human rights in the refugee camps in the Western Sahara and asked that the European Union (EU) “to take seriously” allegations, and “press to Morocco”.

“I Want to make a call to that in the EP and in the EU countries take the same decision that has been taken in Africa, to isolate and put pressure on Morocco,” said Suelma Beiruk, vice-president of the pan-African Parliament, at a press conference in the european Parliament.

The event, promoted by the deputies of the United Left Ángela Vallina and Palóma López Bermejo, aims to give visibility to the situation of women in the Western Sahara, a study of the researcher Irantzu Mendia.

In his research, Mendia denouncing “grave violations of human rights collected in international law”, with “impacts” in the life of women, ranging “from the physical consequences or psychological loss of educational opportunities and precariousness in the conditions of life”.

Beiruk denounced “the repression and the security of moroccan closes doors to women” in the fields and said that “Morocco is afraid of the testimony of a reality that exists, and that it wants you to know”.

“take us seriously. We’re not going to the conference just to make noise,” said the executive secretary of the Pan-african Organization of Women, Mildred Jantjies.

Ángela Vallina considered it “important to see the struggle of the saharawi people and the situation of women who daily suffer the moroccan occupation”.

For her part, Paloma López Bermejo waited “for a response by the parliament” and stressed “its commitment” with the saharawi people.


Thursday, September 29, 2016

The Government of Rajoy closes the door to the Catalan referendum – Sputnik World


shortened URL

“Puigdemont is returning to repeat the same mistakes that Artur Mas (president of Catalonia),” said Santamaria, who returned to qualify this query as “illegal”.

According to the vice-president, with this decision, “the head of the Catalan Government is detached from reality and the law”.

“it Seems that this is a decision that takes to gain the confidence of the CUP and it is a terrible mistake,” said Sáenz de Santamaría, in reference to the Candidacy of Popular Unity (CUP), training, anti-capitalist and pro-independence that facilitated its endowment.

The Government of Mariano Rajoy insists that this query is a “repeated failure” which has as its goal “to re-divide the vast majority of the Catalan society”.

© AP Photo/ Emilio Morenatti

the president of The Catalan Government, Carles Puigdemont, announced on Wednesday that it plans to convene a referendum on independence for the second fortnight of September, 2017 if, from Madrid continues to be denied the option of a consultation agreed.

“At the end of July next year the Catalan Parliament will approve the necessary laws for Catalonia to operate as an independent State and we will draw citizens to the polls to enable them with their vote the proclamation of independence,” he said Puigdemont.


The amazing rescue of a little girl portrays the suffering of civilians in Aleppo, Syria –

In a desperate search for survivors in the midst of the intense shelling on Aleppo released the forces of the regime of Bashar al-Assad and his allies, russians, civilians and relief agencies managed to rescue a young girl, sole survivor of a building that collapsed in the east of the syrian city.

Rawan rests in the Hospital after being rescued.

Your name is Rawan Alowsh, and knows no peace: you have five years, the same amount of time that has passed since you started the civil war that is now consuming his country. The impressive pictures of your rescue, you join the other children hit by the war: the photo of Omran Daqneesh, the small rescued from a bombing that became a symbol of the suffering of children who remain in Syria; and the image of Alan Kurdi, the baby of three years who died trying to reach Europe with his family, whose image traveled the world as a portrait of the afugias by the passing of the refugees fleeing that country.

The image of Rawan as it is released from the rubble to become another symbol, this time of the difficult situation that crosses Aleppo, bombed from a week ago by the forces of Al-Assad and Russia.

The attacks in that city have been considered the worst "humanitarian catastrophe unseen in Syria", as assures the head of humanitarian operations of the UN, Stephen O’brien. There remain trapped the other 100,000 children, between the fences of the areas that are being bombed on a daily basis and without a break.



Susana Diaz to the rescue socialist – Blasting News

the situation facing The Socialist Party has made this Thursday evening, Susana Díaz, spoke with the media after an emergency meeting with the board of andalusia.

The meeting has participated in all the steering committee #PSOE Andalusia, among them Micaela Navarro, and Juan Cornejo. No longer hidden irreconcilable differences, and who integrates each side. Susana Díaz has admitted that the situation is serious and that you know that thousands of voters and members are disappointed and worried.

he Took the opportunity to remark that in the history of his party have been other moments as or more complex than these. However, at all times, and despite their differences public with #Pedro Sanchez, took the opportunity to clarify that there are factions within the PSOE. Echoing the words of the Secretary-General that accused some members of the PSOE of being subordinates of the Popular Party, Diaz stated that there are members of left or right, and explained that it is not something compatible.

The leader has used to occasion to make clear that there will be a congress so that members can make their voice heard. He stressed that it is a right and that it will not be deleted, as they believe supporters of Pedro Sanchez. However, it has asked that the latter be taken with pause and that is not due to the individual’s interest, but that meets a need-partisan.

During his speech, has offered to "sew" the socialist party and "remendarlos", if needed. He explained that they should analyze if the 6 million votes lost during the last 6 years is due to a result of the internal policies. And then he launched against the secretary general, assuming that you have disconnected from reality and that if people do not vote is because they have lost confidence in them. A posteriori justification has been given for the meeting of the andalusian committee on the grounds that they have the responsibility to reflect on and analyze what is happening.

The moment pessimistic, mr. Diaz noted, to admit that they do not find solutions suitable to address and resolve internal conflicts. He has expressed that he understands the citizens who see factions within the same party, but that she does not believe this to be so. Has assumed the succession of electoral defeats they have suffered in recent times. Diaz assumed that the lost votes are due to a bad leadership and asked seriously to reflect on this among socialists.

Asked about the possibility of being presented with a candidate in a primary, the socialist leader has preferred to circumvent the response. But the previous day had made clear that it would be placed where their peers demanded.

We could not be left out of his speech. The hardest words, perhaps, of their intervention they have been for the party of Pablo Iglesias. He argued that not be able to do with the socialist party what they have done in the United Left and accused them of having made a unilateral "brazen". In allusion to the other parties, also has been accused of copying the socialist model.


Santa Fe joined the international Day of the Access to Public Information –


EU expected to accommodate up to 30 thousand migrants from Greece next year – the Sierra Maestra

Santiago de Cuba, Cuba, Thursday, 29 MOD_DATETIME_SEPTEMBER 2016 / ISSN 1681-9969

  • Cover
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  • World
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  • EU expects to welcome 30 thousand migrants from Greece in the next year




Dome Spanish socialist resigns to force the resignation of Sánchez – Hispan TV (press Release)

17 of the 35 members of the Federal Executive of the PSOE presented officially his resignation to force the departure of Pedro Sanchez of the general secretariat.

it Is a strategy designed in the last few days to precipitate the dissolution of this body, and force the fall of the secretary-general of the Spanish Socialist workers Party (PSOE), Pedro Sánchez, have informed today, Wednesday, local media.

responsible to deliver the signatures at the headquarters of the PSOE in Madrid (capital) have been the secretary of the Federal Policy of the PSOE, Antonio Pradas —leader of the socialist federation of andalusian— and Eva Matarín, secretary of Immigration of the formation.

Among the dimisionarios, in addition to Antonio Pradas and Eva Matarín, include the president of the PSOE, Micaela Navarro, the president of Castilla-La Mancha, Emiliano García-Page; the Community of Valencia, Ximo Puig; the secretary of International Relations, Carme Chacón, and the exdirigente madrid, Tomás Gómez.

have Also resigned members of the Executive María José Sánchez Rubio (secretary of Health), José Miguel Pérez García (secretary of Education), Estefanía Martín Palop (Training secretary), Luz Rodriguez (secretary of Employment), Naomi Cross (secretary for Development Cooperation), Manuela Galiano (director of Small Municipalities), Juan Pablo Durán, Carlos Perez, Ascension Murillo and Francisco Pizarro.

With this measure, the socialist leaders aim to prevent the federal committee of the next Saturday put to the vote the convening of a congress the express and primary to the general secretariat on 23 October, as it had announced Sanchez.

This vote will serve to determine the position of the socialists, and decide whether to allow the conservative Popular Party (PP) to form minority Government, or if you expect a third general election. The other option that Sanchez continues to pose is to try to form an alternative Government to that of the president of the Spanish Government, Mariano Rajoy, along with ‘forces of change’.

how many signatures could force the departure of Sanchez?

critics, meanwhile, argue that the resignation of more than half (19) of the members of the Executive Committee results in the cessation of the federal leadership of the PSOE, including the general secretary, and forced the creation of a management company.

In accordance with the Statutes of the PSOE, if it resigns, “one-half plus one” of the members of the Executive, there must be a Federal Committee extraordinary to appoint a new party leadership, which would involve the replacement of the secretary-general.

The PSOE Federal Executive Committee is composed of 38 members, but currently they are 35, since the death of Pedro Zerolo, and the resignation of two members that have not been replaced, José Ramón Goméz-Besteiro (Galicia-spain) and Javier Abreu (Tenerife). In line with this, the federations critics believe that the 17 resignations are sufficient for dismounting the secretary-general, because, next to the low previous, add one-half plus one of the organ.



Dome Spanish socialist resigns to force the resignation of Sánchez – Hispan TV (press Release)

17 of the 35 members of the Federal Executive of the PSOE presented officially his resignation to force the departure of Pedro Sanchez of the general secretariat.

it Is a strategy designed in the last few days to precipitate the dissolution of this body, and force the fall of the secretary-general of the Spanish Socialist workers Party (PSOE), Pedro Sánchez, have informed today, Wednesday, local media.

responsible to deliver the signatures at the headquarters of the PSOE in Madrid (capital) have been the secretary of the Federal Policy of the PSOE, Antonio Pradas —leader of the socialist federation of andalusian— and Eva Matarín, secretary of Immigration of the formation.

Among the dimisionarios, in addition to Antonio Pradas and Eva Matarín, include the president of the PSOE, Micaela Navarro, the president of Castilla-La Mancha, Emiliano García-Page; the Community of Valencia, Ximo Puig; the secretary of International Relations, Carme Chacón, and the exdirigente madrid, Tomás Gómez.

have Also resigned members of the Executive María José Sánchez Rubio (secretary of Health), José Miguel Pérez García (secretary of Education), Estefanía Martín Palop (Training secretary), Luz Rodriguez (secretary of Employment), Naomi Cross (secretary for Development Cooperation), Manuela Galiano (director of Small Municipalities), Juan Pablo Durán, Carlos Perez, Ascension Murillo and Francisco Pizarro.

With this measure, the socialist leaders aim to prevent the federal committee of the next Saturday put to the vote the convening of a congress the express and primary to the general secretariat on 23 October, as it had announced Sanchez.

This vote will serve to determine the position of the socialists, and decide whether to allow the conservative Popular Party (PP) to form minority Government, or if you expect a third general election. The other option that Sanchez continues to pose is to try to form an alternative Government to that of the president of the Spanish Government, Mariano Rajoy, along with ‘forces of change’.

how many signatures could force the departure of Sanchez?

critics, meanwhile, argue that the resignation of more than half (19) of the members of the Executive Committee results in the cessation of the federal leadership of the PSOE, including the general secretary, and forced the creation of a management company.

In accordance with the Statutes of the PSOE, if it resigns, “one-half plus one” of the members of the Executive, there must be a Federal Committee extraordinary to appoint a new party leadership, which would involve the replacement of the secretary-general.

The PSOE Federal Executive Committee is composed of 38 members, but currently they are 35, since the death of Pedro Zerolo, and the resignation of two members that have not been replaced, José Ramón Goméz-Besteiro (Galicia-spain) and Javier Abreu (Tenerife). In line with this, the federations critics believe that the 17 resignations are sufficient for dismounting the secretary-general, because, next to the low previous, add one-half plus one of the organ.



Stop couple for leaving their children alone to go party – Tribuna Campeche


organización Editorial del Sureste SA de C. V., with domicile in calle Tamaulipas no. 15 B, colonia Santa Ana, in order to comply with the provisions of the Federal Law on the Protection of Personal Data in Possession of Individuals (LFPDPPP), informs you that the personal data that you provide to us through your requests and other representations made by electronic or print media will be used solely for the purpose of billing and will find themselves adequately protected through measures of safety, technological, physical and administrative of our staff, preventing the use or undue disclosure of the same.

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Wednesday, September 28, 2016

The leader of PSOE, the Spanish faced a rebellion by socialist deputies – Financial Daily

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Stop couple for leaving their children alone to go party – Tribuna Campeche


organización Editorial del Sureste SA de C. V., with domicile in calle Tamaulipas no. 15 B, colonia Santa Ana, in order to comply with the provisions of the Federal Law on the Protection of Personal Data in Possession of Individuals (LFPDPPP), informs you that the personal data that you provide to us through your requests and other representations made by electronic or print media will be used solely for the purpose of billing and will find themselves adequately protected through measures of safety, technological, physical and administrative of our staff, preventing the use or undue disclosure of the same.

Any person in our office who is involved in the processing of personal data, is obliged to keep the confidentiality mandated by the LFPDPPP.

You may at any time revoke the consent that has given for the processing of your personal data, limit the use or disclosure thereof, as well as exercise their rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition provided in the LFPDPPP by sending a signed letter, provided this does not interfere with the care of the affairs entrusted to it.

we Understand that you consents tacitly treat your data, when having made available the privacy notice, do not show their opposition.

Legal Representative


Launched an online map with the passwords of Wi-Fi in airports around the world – LA NACION (Argentina)

The comments posted are the sole responsibility of their authors and the consequences arising from them may be subject to legal sanctions. That user to include in his message any comments infringing the regulation will be removed and disabled to return to comment. Send a comment constitutes acceptance of Regulation.


Correia: venezuelan State should guarantee access to public information – New Newspapers of Guyana

purpose of the World Day of the Right to Know, held every September 28, the director of Alternative Media and Community of the National Assembly, Cristofer Correia, denounced that the venezuelan State does not guarantee free access to public information, a right guaranteed in the Constitution and considered as a human right by the United Nations.

“The access to information contributes to transparency in public management, fighting corruption and citizen participation in decision making”, highlighted Correia.

In this regard, she urged the Government and other State institutions to develop mechanisms to facilitate citizens with the request information and the access to data of public interest.

he gave an example of the Organic Law of Transparency, Disclosure and Access to Public Information, approved in first discussion by the Parliament last march.

“it Is unacceptable that in the country is handled with secrecy and the economic figures, such as inflation and scarcity affects the citizens; epidemiological data, such as the number of people infected with malaria or zika; and until the amount of venezuelans who lost their lives because of the insecurity,” he concluded.


Brussels proposes to resettle 30 000 asylum seekers from Greece – CubaSÍ

The European Commission urged on Wednesday to the EU member States to “intensify their efforts” to accommodate asylum seekers from Greece.

The European Commission urged on Wednesday to the EU member States to “intensify their efforts” to accommodate asylum seekers from Greece, judging from “possible” to distribute about 30 000 migrant candidates to the european plan for “relocation” before the end of 2017.

through this program, adopted a year ago, have just been dealt 5 651 asylum seekers from Greece and Italy, according to figures published Wednesday by the european executive, while the initial target, set in September 2015, was to relocate to 160 000 people from these two countries in a period of two years.


The lobby LGBT calls for the withdrawal of the concert to a catholic college – Infovaticana

"Islam or the ideology of gender, are the machinations doomed to failure". The director of the colegio Juan Pablo II de Alcorcón has been denounced by the association Arcópoli after sending a letter to parents from the school that lashed out at Islam and the Law of Cifuentes, which compares with the "fanatical terrorist".

the director of The catholic school, John Paul II, Alcorcón, Carlos Martinez, has sent a letter to all parents in the center -belonging to the fundación Educatio Servanda – in which he lashes out against the ideology of gender and Islam, something that defines it as "machinations doomed to dissolution and failure."

'there are winds of persecution'

In the letter, Martinez recalls the attacks by the terrorists of the ISIS and denounces that "our politicians seem to enjoy creating problems non-existent and to complicate the things. It seems that there are winds of persecution," he said.

Likewise, makes reference to the "complex that we have christians in the West", and calls the faithful to preach the christian faith in front of "those who follow false religions or ideologies."

'The resemblance with the fanatical terrorist is disturbing'

The director also compares the ideology of gender with the "fanatical terrorist" and discredits "our politicians closest to you, those who would defend the family and our christian roots"- which, according to Martinez- "they are busy in defending legislation as absurd such as the recent Gender Equality Law adopted in the Assembly of Madrid".

"What a barbarity to dispense with the natural truth of man and the inalienable right of parents to the education of the children! What a dogmatism accuse of discrimination to those who think different!!! What a nonsense to try to impose an ideology by force of sanctions! The lie is always afraid of the light of truth and of the contrast of ideas. The resemblance with the fanatical terrorist is disturbing," says Carlos Martinez in the letter.

in Addition, the director of the school John Paul II added next to the document sent to the parents of the center from the controversial letter signed by the bishops of Getafe and Alcalá de Henares in which to condemn the doctrine imposed by the ideology of gender – at the same time that describes the bishops as "bishops brave men who have clear their pastoral role as educators and witnesses of the truth."

Denouncing the lobby LGBT

The association of LGBT Arcópoli has denounced the letter from the director of the school and the required of the Community of Madrid to review the educational subsidy that has with the centre John Paul II. From the association argues that the director had sent a signed letter to all students "to encourage them to comply with the act passed unanimously in the Assembly of Madrid and to be able to avoid the gender ideology, claiming that the law infringes the fundamental rights".

"we Believe that Spain should not fit the educational centres supported with public funds, where it is adoctrine of minors, stating that certain Spanish laws appear to 'fanatical terrorist' because they cry out for equality for homosexuals, transsexuals and bisexuals", concludes Arcópoli.


They stole $ 1 million that were hidden in a water heater set – LadoCulto

There they found 80 thousand pesos in addition to clothing, cell phones, and items they bought with the money. The 17-year-olds were in charge of Juvenile Justice.

The fact that it occurred at the 11 in a housing located in Sanchez 1436, in the town of Colonia Segovia when the criminals came up to the place on a bike, and after raping a rear door and entered the residence.

the son of The worker was betrayed on Wednesday by a sister, when he discovered that planned the theft, Facebook.

The moment of capture. Once the victim arrived at his house she ran off to check the heater where he had hidden the juicy sum of money. The block where the theft (Google Street View) After several minutes in the interior of the home, the crooks came out with a bag and fled on the bike, so that neighbors, by the strange movements in the house, alerted the emergency line 911.

data indicated that the subjects who made the theft data were accurate because they were directly to the heater in spite of all of the rooms. The boy was found by the Division of Robberies and Thefts Investigations in a housing of the settlement of Castro de Guaymallén.

it Is of three older men and a woman who received money from the young. Apparently the young man gave 10 thousand pesos to each one of his friends that was during the celebrations of the spring.

Effective for robberies and Thefts carried out the arrests.


Police arrest 5 suspected members of a terrorist cell in Europe – CNNEspañ

(CNN Spanish) - Five alleged jihadists were arrested on Wednesday in three european countries, according to a press release of the Ministry of the Interior Spanish.

Three were arrested in Spain (two in Barcelona and one in Melilla), one in the German city of Wuppertal and the other in the belgian capital, Brussels.

The operation was carried out jointly by the National Police of spain, the BKA (Criminal Investigation Bureau) of Germany and the Federal Police in belgium.

The five detainees formed a cell with a structure perfectly organized, following the dictates of the terrorist organization ISIS, they acted through different online channels, which resulted in a page of Facebook in Spanish, of which they are administrators detainees in Germany and Belgium, reported the Interior Ministry in the statement.

His publications in the social network aimed to disseminate religious content, adding posts and comments of radical character in that it helped the fighters jihadists and the actions carried out by ISIS.


Tuesday, September 27, 2016

We can Galicia leaves the tongue attacking brutally to the voters of the PP – Blasting News

The results of September 25, continues to give what to talk about on social networks. On this occasion, for the expression of the deputy Fernán Hair against the galicians who voted for Núñez Feijóo. He, through his Twitter account, called ignorant voters who voted for the option that won by an absolute majority.

This ignited the controversy in the social networks. Given that Alberto Núñez Feijóo holds the Board of Galicia from the year 2009 and bills itself as gallegista. The politician, who also is named as a reformist, won his absolute majority, with a strategy and campaign policy unit. Distancing himself from the acronym of Partido Popular and their violations.

With what he managed to bring together the militants of the PSOE, especially inhabitants of rural areas and of the third age. This allowed him to beat the options #we Can and the Tide. So, Hair, from his position of national deputy for Lugo, he inveighed against their voters by calling them ignorant. Annulled his tweet, but already the matter had been made public.

In his mind he had expressed mañas comments. Unlikely people, slaves who vote for the master, by the chief, by the commands, by the of always. Alienated and ignorant, how sad. Then, she offered her apologies for if your statement could have offended any person.

Not intended to offend the six hundred seventy six thousand citizens, who chose as his representative Núñez Feijóo. But these are prevented by a majority of the sum of the tendencies of the left.

despite an election campaign, and discussion of impact on social networks. With the hanging of the president of the Xunta and photos petty that they pursued their wear and their defeat, even so, he received answers for his offense.

The congressman Ramón Espinar was of the view that the frustration lies in the fact that Pablo Iglesias was not the standard bearer. Refers to to justify his failures in ignorance of voters to try to conceal the internal differences that fragmented Can and do lose more branches in #Spain. #Elections


A left-wing party wants to knock down a statue of Christopher Columbus in Barcelona (and maybe do the right thing) –

At the end of the promenade of The Rambla, in Barcelona, there is a statue set up as a signal of the navigator Christopher Columbus, the same who never knew where it came but was proud of having reached. The statue, 60 feet tall and also serves as a lookout point for tourists, it is a tribute to the feats of Columbus pergeñó in 1492, when he sailed again to the Indies imagined and he found the land that is today called America. It is a tribute, also, to the Catholic Kings, who by then had joined the kingdoms of Castile and Aragon and expelled without the option to return to the moorish and jewish existed in its territory. And it is also, according to a left-wing party Spanish, a praise to the colonialism and slavery that were incubated from the time of the ignaro Columbus entered into indigenous region.

The party of independence times of left CUP calls for the statue to fall. "We just have taught the friendly face of this person —says Josep Garganté, one of their leaders— but, for example, in his diaries, Columbus says that with fifty men can subdue all of them (the indians) and make them very good servants". In addition to the historic demand that hope to formulate with the fall of the statue, the party expected that on the 12th of October, the day on which we celebrate the arrival of Columbus to the indigenous lands, be it a working day. Without party. Without omens of ornament or rest. A day like any other. Like almost all other: one day, forgettable.

The memory of Columbus has been challenged in the TWENTIETH century on several occasions and from several wings. Sociologists as the Hungarian Tzvetan Todorov reformulated the enthusiasm that follows the Conquest: yes, there will be that to accept that colonization happened and also that there was an invasion of horrific. That was the story, and told by the victors, because the losers was little. There are, however, matters that deserve proper treatment and that the official history has neglected.
Of entry, the discovery of America was not a discovery. The land already existed, they were there without the spaniards what to suspect. More than a discovery, an encounter. Perhaps the genocide largest in history: according to figures undecided which collects Todorov in his book The conquest of America: the problem of the other (Siglo XXI Editores), 70 million indigenous people were killed by direct or indirect cause of the conquest that drove the spaniards. Were killed by their spears and muskets; killed by the diseases brought by outsiders; died of maltreatment and hunger. America has always been a continent that can’t lament their dead.

And perhaps, as tantea the title, more than a game was a conquest: Columbus and his followers, and the Spanish adventurers of early that came from the strata more terminally ill, should encourage worship to the religion and to the Spanish Crown. Of entry, was a coup: a coup resounding. He did not know about forms of taxation of the indigenous people —that would be rescued in part by Bartholomew of the Houses, flew his spirituality and desollaba, as a lion that destroys a tapir helpless, their social customs. The conquest was immodest and unequal: here were the spaniards with their guns and their bullets and there were indigenous people with their poisons and their resistance of evil. The advantage was always —almost always, no doubt— from the Spanish side. They were the surprise, though at his time they were surprised. That’s why Cortez, with the general enquiries of the natives about his good judgment, he took his beard is plentiful, and its portent of chivalry to execute a ruse that no one will forget: impersonating a spirit toltec who came to avenge the quarrels which the aztecs committed on the people.

it Was a conquest smart, no doubt.

Columbus was, in a sense, a small naive child. His objectives were genuine, and they pursued their convictions: the expansion of the catholic Church and the honor of the eternal to the Catholic Kings. The indians had to do part of it. They had to speak Spanish and understand the language —the same year that Columbus came to indian land, was published the Grammar of Antonio de Nebrija— and should be adjusted, by divine command, because there was no doubt that their god had also created the torva indigenous nothing I understood, the precepts of the law and the right to live of the Spanish colonialist. Hundreds turned them into their slaves; raped the women; killed the children; sajaron to the rebels. A woman in what is today Mexico was condemned to the bites of the dogs, those small quadrupeds of sharp teeth that had never been seen. Others are dragged there tied to the legs of a horse until it is changed into shreds of nerves and flesh, rich heritage that retook the paramilitaries. The statue of Columbus, that on clear days the place the view of the tourists, it means all of that.

it Means, also, the intersection of two cultures. As you see, it means the death whole of a culture. How many indigenous languages were left alive after the Spanish settlement? How many books, of the few who recorded their history, were saved from the pyre? What was left of the religious traditions? The salvation ethno-indigenous cultures is, in some way, a sense of mea culpa late. Because the spaniards did not ask for forgiveness. Because the deaths occurred without anyone saying anything. Because the power was power, and who had sent him.

The historical revisionism, however, is useless. To judge the acts of Columbus six centuries later, it is unfair, even though we know what he saw Columbus when he landed on that island virgin: I did not see men and women, but to indians, to forms that should be under his command and that of God, (writes Todorov: "Columbus speaks only of the men who go, because, after all, they also form part of the landscape"); I saw mermaids when was fish long; I saw all the Greek mythology wrapped up in the jungles. That is to say, only he saw himself. Because Columbus never understood what were those lands, and who inhabited them. To learn how to unlearn, and Columbus was a fierce supporter of the Church and the power of the establishment: he was condemned to illiteracy real. Never understood their language, nor tried to understand it (Bartolomé de las Casas wrote: "upside-down understand of what the indians sign them, speaking to them"), and always thought that insurance was a stronghold report of the languages of the roman empire. He never went out of their ignorance. He lived in a place she never knew. By pure moral chastisement, the statue should continue where it is: to remember just how dangerous ignorance.
