Monday, June 20, 2016

Celebration of International Yoga Day in Mendoza – Diario Uno

On Monday June 20 Mendoza is one of the world headquarters of the celebration of the International Yoga Day. Hipolito Yrigoyen at the Sports Lujan de Cuyo (Vallcanera and Guevara in that department), from 9 to 17.30 and with free admission, all mendocinos can enjoy a different day, full of peace, harmony and inner connection.

also be an opportunity to learn about the ancient culture of India, through their dances; the vibration of her mantras and tasting exquisite oriental tradition.

There will be a mass meditation guided by the Ayurvedic physician and consul of India in Argentina, Sergio Lais-Suarez and can be taken for free a multiplicity of yoga classes offered by different schools and modalities and designed for the whole family .

Both for adults, children, youth, yogatherapy for seniors and yoga integration for people with special needs. Ayurvedic cooking workshops will be held; meditative techniques; breathing; interesting lectures and book presentations.

Human mandalas be carried out and will go booths with crafts, textile clothing and accessories from India.

This initiative is organized by the Consulate General of India in Argentina, has the support of the Municipality of Lujan de Cuyo and organization of the members of the recently established Permanent Forum Yoga in Mendoza.

Our province was chosen for this great celebration by the consul of India Sergio Lais-Suarez, who called teachers mendocinos Yoga, graduates from different schools and from various lineages, to make this meeting that aims to bring yoga to people and publicize its benefits to physical, psychological level and spiritual. The proposal is that Mendoza can treat yourself to a wellness day and attend sports clothes and mat, mat or canvas, ready

to express themselves, harmonize and heal.

Yoga is a practice of ancient tradition, which originated in India. The term “Yoga” comes from Sanskrit and means “unity”, because it symbolizes the union of body, mind and spirit. In 2014 the United Nations established the International Yoga Day by “holistic benefits of this timeless practice and its inherent compatibility with the principles and values ​​of the United Nations.”

“I invite all people of different ages to participate in this International Day of Yoga -expresses India’s consul in Argentina Sergio Lais-Suarez.” Yoga practice provides a range of benefits accruing the pathophysiology of stress.

it enables a more stable mental and physical health, strengthening the nervous system and creating flexible body. “

on the other hand, the doctor asserts that meditation ayurveda (Sanskrit: ayur means “life” and veda “knowledge”) is a technique easy to implement that “enhances memory short and long term, creativity, intelligence, learning ability and can also reverse stress, which it is the cause of psychosomatic disorders such as anxiety, depression, anxiety, nervousness, insomnia, irritability. That’s one of the reasons why many Westerners have approached techniques such as meditation and yoga. To live more happiness, joy and peace we must have a balanced nervous system, a mind, a healthy body, a diet that nourish and remove toxins lot. Being in an environment harmonious and balanced environment. Medical science that comes from India proposes multiple approach through Yoga and Meditation Ayurvedic medicine for people to improve their quality of life, “he concludes Lais-Suarez.


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