Friday, March 18, 2016

Lambán stresses that any elected official has been charged in Plaza – EntornoInteligente

Expand / President of the Government of Aragon, Javier Lambán, said Thursday that no director of the Government of Aragon between 1999 and 2011 or any elected official, in the same period, has been accused by the judiciary in relation to the Zaragoza Logistics Platform (Square).

has appeared at the request of Podemos at the plenary session of the Parliament.

Lambán has argued that none of the persons to whom the Parliamentary Committee of Inquiry Square attributed any political responsibility has repeated as high position. He defended the work of this Commission.

The president of Aragon has made clear the support of the regional government to the platform and noted that works for the regional economy has “nothing to do” with culture the “pitch”. It considered that there is “no favors” insisting clarify political responsibilities in this matter.

Pablo Echenique has highlighted the productive importance of the platform, but has rejected the “closing of ranks” in the cases investigated and he considered “unjustifiable” that “is rewarded with a golden retirement” in the Senate the president Marcelino Iglesias, “Chief Executive” the Executive at the time of the “big scam” Plaza.

Lambán stresses that any elected official has been charged in Square

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