Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Most Spaniards sees new elections – Granma International

Madrid.-most Spaniards, 66.7%, eying will return to the polls in June, at the inability of politicians to form a government parties, according to a survey published Monday by the newspaper La Razon.

According to the survey -made between 13 and 17 March by signing Report- NC, 22.5% of respondents considered 1000 a new election will not be necessary, while October 1, 8% had no clear or would not answer the question, reported PL.

three months after the general elections on 20 December, a 60.2% are concerned that there is still an alternative executive the conservative Popular Party (PP), the head of government Mariano functions Rajoy.

if held a second round of elections, scheduled for June 26, 82% of respondents would repeat their vote 90 days

ago and just 9.7% would change. according to the research of reason, a newspaper identified with the Spanish right, 41.8% opted for an alliance between the PP the Spanish Socialist Workers Party (PSOE) and the grouping of center-right Citizens, the grand coalition led by Rajoy.
a possible pact between the PSOE, we and other leftist and nationalist is seen favorably by 31 , 2% of those questioned said NC Report.


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