Saturday, March 26, 2016

VENEZUELA: Qu & eacute; is celebrated on Good Friday – EntornoInteligente

La Patilla /

Friday afternoon presents the immense drama of Christ’s death on Calvary. The cross up over the world still stands as a sign of salvation and hope, publishes CNA.

With the Passion of Jesus in the Gospel of John we contemplate the mystery of the Crucified, with the disciple’s heart Amado , Mother, the soldier pierced his side.

San Juan, theologian and chronicler of the passion leads us to contemplate the mystery of the cross of Christ as a solemn liturgy. Everything is dignified, solemn, symbolic in his narrative: every word, every gesture. The density of the Gospel is now made more eloquent.

And the titles of Jesus make a beautiful Christology. Jesus is King. He says the title of the cross and the gallows is throne where the queen. He is a priest and temple at once, with the seamless robe that soldiers cast lots. It is the new Adam with the Mother, the new Eve, Son of Mary and Spouse of the Church. It is the thirst for God, the executor of the will of Scripture. The Giver of the Spirit. It is the spotless Lamb slain and who does not break bones. It is the Exalted in the cross that attracts everything to itself, for love, when men turn to him the look.

The Mother was there, beside the Cross. He did not suddenly to Golgotha, since the beloved disciple recalled in Cana without having followed step by step, with her maternal heart Jesus’ way. And now he’s there as a mother and disciple who has followed all over the fate of his son, a sign of contradiction as the fully on their part. But solemn and majestic as a Mother, the mother of all, the new Eve, the mother of the children she meets scattered by the cross of his Son. Maternity heart, which widens with the sword of pain fruitful.

The word of his Son motherhood extends to the infinite reaches of all men. Mother of the disciples, the brethren of her Son. Mary’s motherhood has the same scope of redemption of Jesus. Mary contemplates and lives the mystery with the majesty of a wife, but with the immense pain of a mother. Juan glorifies the memory of that motherhood. Last Testament of Jesus. Last gift. Security of a maternal presence in our lives, in all. Because Mary is faithful to the word. Behold your son

The soldier who pierced the side of Christ on the part of the heart, did not realize that fulfilled a prophecy and performed a last, great gesture liturgical. Heart of Christ springs blood and water. The blood of redemption, the water of salvation. The blood is a sign of that greater love, life given for us, water is a sign of the Spirit, the very life of Jesus now, as a new creation pours out on us.

The celebration

Today is not the Eucharist is celebrated around the world. The altar looks no tablecloth, no cross, no candles or ornaments. We remember the death of Jesus. Ministers prostrate on the floor before the altar at the beginning of the ceremony. They are the image of the depressed and oppressed humanity, and the penitent time imploring forgiveness for their sins. They are dressed in red, the color of martyrs. Jesus, the first witness of the love of God and of all those who, like him, gave and continue to give their lives to proclaim the deliverance that God offers us

liturgical Action on the Lord’s death

1. Input

The impressive liturgical celebration Friday begins with a rite of different input from other days: the ministers enter in silence, without singing, dressed in red, the color of blood, of martyrdom, is prostrate on the ground, while the community kneels down, and after a period of silence, says the prayer of the day.

2. Celebration of the Word

First Reading Spectacular realism in this prophecy made 800 years before Christ, called by many the 5th Gospel. That puts us in the suffering soul of Christ, throughout his life and now in real time of his death. Let us prepare to live with Him responsorial psalm In this Psalm, recited by Jesus on the cross, confidence, pain, loneliness and supplication intertwine. With the Man of Sorrows, let us make this our prayer. Second reading The Priest is the one who unites God and man and the men with God … So Christ is the perfect Priest: God and Man. The One Eternal High Priest. Which the Priesthood: Pope, Bishops, priests and deacons, united to him, are ministers, servants, assistants … Verse before the Gospel (Phil 2: 8-9) Christ, for us, underwent even the death, death on a cross. Therefore God exalted him, and gave him the “name which is above every name.” As always, the celebration of the Word, after the homily concludes with a universal prayer, which now makes more sense than ever precisely because we contemplate Christ delivered on the cross as the Redeemer of mankind, ask God’s salvation all, believers and nonbelievers. 3. Adoration of the Cross

After the words had a very expressive and very symbolic action of this day: the veneration of the Holy Cross is solemnly presented the Cross to the community, singing three times acclaim

Look at the tree of the Cross, on which hung the salvation of the world. COME AADORARLO “and all knelt for a moment every time; and then we go in procession to venerate the Cross personally, with a genuflection (or deep bow) and kiss (or touching it with his hand and santiguándonos); as we sing the praises of the Christ of the Cross: “My people, what have I done to you …?” “Oh faithful Cruz, only tree in nobility …” “Victoria, you will be king …”

4. Communion

Since 1955, when Pius XII decided to reform that made Easter, not just the priest-as hitherto – but also the faithful may receive communion with the Body of Christ

Although today there is no proper Eucharist, but communion of consecrated bread in celebration of yesterday, Holy Thursday, we express our participation in the saving death of Christ, receiving his “Body given for us.”

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Information is celebrated with Patilla;-se-celebra-el-Viernes-Santo

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