Sunday, March 20, 2016

Gonzalo Morales // SPAIN: PP and Citizens would achieve an absolute majority of repeated general elections – EntornoInteligente

Expand / The sum of the votes of both formations would reach 44.4%, which would give them 176 seats.

According to a survey of NC Report for reason, the PP would get 29.3% of votes (between 124 and 128), Citizens 15.1% (44-48), the PSOE 22.1 (87 -90) and we 19.5 (62-66), the latter being the only game of the four major would lose votes compared to 20 elections last December. 600,000 according to the survey

the other formations in voting intentions is headed by ERC with 2.3% (9 seats), followed by Democracy and Freedom to 1.8 (7), PNV with 1.2 (6), IU -UP to 4.4 (2-4), EH Bildu with 0.8 (2) and CC with 0.4 (1).

the assessment of the main political leaders is headed by Albert Rivera (Citizens), with a 3.7 out of 10, followed by Pedro Sanchez (PSOE), with a 3.5, Pablo Iglesias (Podemos), with 3.4 and Mariano Rajoy (PP) with a 3, 3.

the poll also finds that among young people between 18 and 29 abstaining predominates with 42.6%, followed by the vote with 18.5 Podemos, the PSOE with 11 1, the PP with 9.9 and 6.8% Citizens.

the survey was conducted by NC Report on a sample of 1,000 interviews between last 13 and March 17.

the PP ahead in 10 strategic provinces Moreover, according to a survey by Metroscopia for El Pais, the PP with 26 seats, followed Podemos 25, they would stand first in voting intentions in the five provinces most populated of Spain if elections were today took counsel with a similar Dec. 20 participation.

the provinces analyzed are Madrid, Barcelona, ​​Valencia, Seville and Alicante, being located after PP and We, the Socialist Party with 22 seats, Citizens 20, ERC 5, UP / IU with 5 and Democràcia i Llibertat 3.

these results mean by this survey that the PP lost in these five provinces in March seats (29, 20-D), can 2 (27), the PSOE would stay the same, ciudadnos up 3 (17), ERC remains the same, UP / IU rises 3 (2) and Democràcia i Llibertad loses 1 (4).

Analyzed result in provinces with fewer seats (Pontevedra, Badajoz, Valladolid, Burgos and Teruel), the PP is in first place with 12 seats (won 1 with respect to 20-D) followed by the PSOE with 6 (loses 2) Citizens 5 (wins 4) and Podemos 2 (loses 3).

the survey was conducted on a probe sequence by Metroscopia between 7 and March 17 last, from 800 respondents from Madrid and Barcelona, ​​600 in Seville, Alicante, Valencia and Pontevedra, followed by 400 in Burgos, Valladolid, Badajoz and Teruel.

SPAIN: PP and Citizens would achieve an absolute majority of repeated general elections

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See also www.mundinews .com | | | | | | | |

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Tags: Gonzalo Morales, Gonzalo Morales



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