Friday, March 25, 2016

The Sermon of the Seven Words: education for life – EntornoInteligente

The Universal / Father Sahabel Porto, vicar general of the Archdiocese of Cartagena, explains the meaning of the seven words uttered by a dying Jesus, I suffered after doing all humiliations, indignities for the salvation of humanity. Father Sahabel that when talking about the Sermon on the Seven Words says the seven phrases spoken by Jesus on the cross, collected by the evangelists and commented on by many authors as Good Friday sermon is identified. “It is a tradition that is not mandatory, as a preacher also has many resources to update the redemptive sacrifice of Christ, which is what Good Friday is celebrated by reading passion and adoration of the cross. However, this centuries-old tradition in the Church is highly valued and appreciated and in Colombia propagate many stations. the preachers, who are usually archbishops, contextualize these words to family, economic, cultural life social political reality. Listen to this sermon is find a prophetic and hopeful voice in the midst of the crisis of our time, says father Sahabel Porto the seven words of the dying Christ are drawn from the four Gospels. Luke reports three, the first, second and seventh. John picks the three remaining, third, fifth and sixth. Matthew and Mark mention only one, the fourth one.

tHE SEVEN wORDS the Seven Last words of Christ on the cross were collected and analyzed in detail for the first time by the Cistercian monk Arnaud de Bonneval (+1156) in the twelfth century, says father Sahabel. From that moment the theological or pious considerations multiply those words. But it was St. Robert Berlarmino (Doctor of the Church, 1542-1621) who most boosted its dissemination and practice writing the treatise on the seven words spoken by Christ on the cross. Since then the habit of preaching the traditional “sermon of the seven words” in the morning or noon on Good Friday in 1787 the brotherhood of Santa Cueva de Cádiz (Spain) commissioned the Austrian composer Joseph Haydn an orchestral work to remind spread the seven last words of Christ on the cross. The Seven Words spoken by the Man of Sorrows on the cross, are:

FIRST WORD: “Father, forgive them they know not what they do” (Luke 23:34)

<. p> This is the greatest testimony of what Jesus announced and taught: “you have heard that it was said love your neighbor and hate your enemy, but I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, so that they are children of your father in heaven “is an invitation to forgive offenses and all contribute to a culture of peace and reconciliation

second word.” Today: you will be with me in paradise “(Luke 23 , 43). The expression “Today” has much sense of salvation. “Today is born a savior” “is Today this Scripture is fulfilled” “We have seen wonderful things” “Today salvation has come to this house” is the host of the Lord to sinners, especially who had grades debts to society or they were excluded., The thief but making an act of repentance and faith in Jesus. We could relate to the rehabilitation of many people fall in vices and crimes

third word. “Woman, behold your son” and to the disciple, “Behold your mother” (John 19:26 s.). Motherhood of Mary is the bearer of life and bond of communion, fraternity. That is why Christ dying mother gives us a veil through to intercede, protect his people. Her as disciple and missionary serves as a school and model of fidelity to Christ to the cross and resurrection.

FOURTH WORD: “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me” (Mt 27,46). This phrase corresponds to Psalm 22 that Jesus must pronounce on the Cross. The psalm expresses pain, suffering but also trust in God even before the silence of God. The Word My God, My God is an appeal. Does not invite him to pain and a sense of abandonment offering and intercession for others, thus suffering is also a missionary.

FIFTH WORD: “I thirst” (Jn 19:28). This is, firstly, physiological thirst, one of the greatest torments of the crucified. The word is taken from the Psalms 69.21 and 21.16. the spiritual thirst of Christ to consummate the redemption for the salvation of all is also interpreted. So in the Church of Cartagena and throughout Latin America have intensified missions to remote drink at the fountain of living water that is Christ. Each thirsts for God and Christ thirsts for each of us

sixth word. “It is finished” (John 19:30). This word shows that Jesus had fulfilled to the end his redemptive mission. It is the grand finale that crowns the program of his life: to fulfill Scripture always doing the Father’s will. It is an invitation to do the will of God in family, work, civic duties, then, in every stage of our life there is a mission to the best of ourselves, even at the cost of sacrifices

SEVENTH WORD: “Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit” (Luke 23:46). What most impacted of Jesus was his intimate and continued close communion with the Father. Always he invoked and presented with a merciful God. The disciples of Jesus utter before surrendering to sleep, “Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit Your loyal God rid us..” It is an invitation to entrust to the Lord our, projects, anxieties, problems and all our life. .

The Sermon of the Seven Words: education for life

Information The Universal

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