Monday, February 16, 2015

The Executive CiU expressed his “full support” for Duran and taken for … – euronews

The Executive CiU expressed his "full support" for Duran and taken for … – euronews

Reuters, 16/02 22:25 CET

 Union leader, Josep Antoni Duran Lleida, during National Commission CIU that took place today in Barcelona. EFE Union leader, Josep Antoni Duran Lleida during the CIU National Commission which took place today in Barcelona. EFE

Barcelona, ​​February 16 ( EFE ) .- The Union leader, Josep Antoni Duran Lleida, has received “the full support and confidence” today “unanimously” CiU executive management group in Congress, which gives the federation closed the crisis, with the intention that a split vote is not repeated.

So has explained the general secretary of CiU, Ramon Espadaler ( UDC ) at the press conference after the National Executive Committee of the Federation ( CENF ), which has stressed that, reiterating support for Duran and Deputy CiU spokesman in Congress, they closed the conflict.

Espadaler has argued that there was ” different interpretation “of the decision taken in the previous CENF on the vote, on the 10th, the consideration of the bill against jihadism – UDC voted for and CDC is abstuvo-, but asserted that there is interest of the two partners federation that does not happen again a division to vote.

“I can guarantee that none of the two parts of the federation has the slightest interest in repeating an episode of disagreement like this and put my hand to fire -of which is ASI- by a and part of the federation, “he asserted Espadaler, who appeared accompanied by the Deputy Secretary General of CiU and leader of CDC , Lluís Corominas.

prevent a repeat episode last Tuesday in Congress, the CENF has not adopted any new mechanism, but what’s done is move the entire management of future directions to vote for the parliamentary group of Madrid, chaired by Duran, who reiterated their full confidence.

CENF Today neither has decided the sense voting in the final vote on the bill against jihadism, which depend on whether the amendments presented CiU and ultimately decide the parliamentary group in the House accepted.

Despite giving by overcome this crisis caused by the division of votes by which Duran said he was “disavowed” the two partners federation have differences in the sovereigntist bet, something that has been noted Democrat leader today, shortly before entering the meeting CENF .

On Twitter, Duran has defended the “confederal way” as “the answer to have to decide between the autonomous pathway or imitate CDC and embrace independence “and in the same social network has stressed that UDC voted last Tuesday at the Congress in accordance with the strategy decided in the last CENF , from January 26.

In the executive CiU today, and in the presence of Catalan president and federation, Artur Mas, Duran has intervened to express their anger over the incident with the deputies of CDC last Tuesday.

In any case, his number two in CENF reiterates its support and confidence of the group parliamentarian, from a political perspective, what we ultimately closed “has affected Espadaler, which has argued that Duran has received the support of leaders of Convergence and Union, during the meeting.

Also Lluís Corominas emphasized that everything is due to a problem of interpretation of what was said in the previous CENF : “On a misunderstanding we can not make a theory. There is no misunderstanding, do not give more laps. “

Asked if compromised the unit in the federation, Corominas has emphasized that the will of CDC and UDC is “keep doing the road together.”

As for the final vote on the bill against jihadism, CiU has not decided its position as a federation in a legislation which, in CDC , reservations on criminal modifications are kept in case of subversion of the constitutional order, since they believe could affect drivers of process sovereignty, as President Artur Mas.

Without knowing if PP and PSOE accept amendments CiU, Espadaler stressed that if they are not accepted and all adrift in a “no acceptable” text, CiU will not give support, but has stressed that it will decide the parliamentary group.

In any case, stressed that the federation is against any terrorist expression, a phenomenon which, he said, CiU’ve never used as “party thrown weapon.”

euronews published from Reuters as, but not intervenes in the published articles.

Copyright 2015 EFE.


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