Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Dura Alberto Garzón intervention in the Nation State Debate – Blasting News

Dura Alberto Garzón intervention in the Nation State Debate – Blasting News

Following the intervention of Duran and Lleida and the subsequent response of Mariano Rajoy, at 19:12 has just begun speech Alberto Garzón candidate Izquierda Unida, who has climbed the podium with orange ribbon in support of workers of RTVE. His speech was hard and so has started since his first words were to Mariano Rajoy, who has been accused of “worth more to storytelling than for prime minister.” He has blamed having spoken only for the powerful and the very wealthy and represent a very small part of Spanish citizens. He has been accused of laxity and shame in his speech because “half the things” he has said are “lies”.

As Pedro Sanchez, Alberto Garzon has asked if “you have left your bubble Moncloa” and he has urged to go out because they do not know. He has called to ask on that street to see how many can be financed a master of 8,000 euros “as if they can afford their children.” Then he asked the president what he thinks about the case of Endesa, to which he had not made any reference, and Garzón has described as “looting”. has also accused the PSOE of silence and complicity of the same . He assured that a country ruled by IU country would be prohibited privatization of public companies as Endesa.

Garzón has replicated Rajoy, who previously has said that it is creating jobs, the Spanish population live “hand to mouth” and that 9 out of 10 contracts are temporary. He also reminded him that he has not made any reference to evictions, of which he said, are “direct” their responsibility to be caused by public companies as Bankia. He has said that if you plan to leave his post as president and go to a company that “will not happen” in the country you intend to create.

has claimed to be a “privileged” to be able to tell what millions of people think. Talk about youth migration and says that in his new government “given the keys” to those young so they can return to Spain. The solution, he said, is not lower wages if not improve the Spanish industry, whose poor situation liable to PP and PSOE. He was accused of “looting the country to give to his buddies” and said he was “embarrassed” that the Spanish government put part of German banks instead of the Greek people, saying “‘ve been scammed” by their governments .

You have referenced the Spaniards who come to protest to maintain their rights, which said “we are becoming more “, and Gag Rule. He has said his most formidable opposition is organized left and so there are 300 trade unionists accused of crimes related to manifest, which for years that did not happen.

Garzón has accused the PP of having “lucky with Justice” and of having illegally financed several locations. He also said that “Mr. Luis, be strong” is not the rotten apple that is rotten basket. He finished the speech claiming it was his first intervention, but that would be the last of Mariano Rajoy because “think checking”. His last words were “Health and Republic.”


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