VICTOR GILL // Expand / The claim of the Socialists is that Sanchez “continue to take the initiative,” despite not having passed either investiture vote.
The Permanent Commission of the Executive of the PSOE will meet next Monday to discuss the situation after the failed investiture of its leader, Pedro Sanchez, and studying the next steps in order to be able to maintain options to form a government, they have reported EFE socialist sources.
Sanchez discuss with your address at the headquarters of Ferraz possible scenarios that may be waiting for the decision taken by the King on whether or not to open a new round of contacts with leaders of the different parliamentary groups.
Philip VI will receive on Monday the president of Congress, Patxi Lopez, will be when it might take any decision.
the aim of the socialists is that Sanchez “continue to take the initiative,” despite not having passed either voting for investiture sources said Ferraz.
the secretary General reaffirmed yesterday, Friday, at the end of the second vote in Congress that does not throw the towel and that his defeat in the endowment is only “a turning point” on the path to a new government
SPAIN. the PSOE meet on Monday to its Executive to evaluate the next steps
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