The variation of the celebration
Easter is celebrated according to the lunar calendar. There is no fixed date and can be between 22 March and 25 April the following Sunday is performed at the first moon of spring in the northern hemisphere.
Palm Sunday
this date begins the celebration that commemorates the arrival of Jesus to Jerusalem © n, where the faithful received him with fervor and joy. Is common carry palms or olive branches symbolizing renewed faith, and the next year ± or burned for Mià © Wednesday Ash used.
Fasting Easter
it is a tradition that takes place in Lent penance and renewal. The law of fasting allows only make a meal during the day, with breakfast and dinner soft. This should be, according to the canónico right from the 14 year ± os to 59.
Abstinence from meat
Each person must do penance for the sacrifice of Jesus, so which the Code of Canónico law is ± wing Fridays, especially, should be kept abstinence from meat or any food is ± winged by the Episcopal Conference.
the Paschal Candle
it is a candle that is blessed and lit at the Easter Vigil, during the night of Holy Sábado. This symbolizes a light, the new fire in the resurrection of Christ that dispels death. For Catholics represents that Christ is present.
The burning of Judas
It is a tradition that originated in Spain ± ay that with the conquest of Latin © rich was adopted by some peoples. Sunday Resurrection is stoned, lynched and burned an MUA ± eco symbolizing Judas, who was tortured by his betrayal of Christ.
Thursday Santo
it is the day of pilgrimage to the seven temples by Christians in commemoration of the seven routes that made Jesus on Holy Thursday, from the garden of olives, where he was arrested, to Calvary. This tradition is well known in Iztapalapa, in the City of MÃ © xico.
Sábado Gloria
If ever you wondered why © we get wet this day, this It is because Christians were unable bathrooms ± ass during Easter, until Saturday, so come this day whom threw water going down the street.
Sunday Easter
on Sunday Resurrection is celebrated in various ways, but in many countries there is a tradition of decorating and painting eggs of different colors after © s of throwing the faithful, representing the triumph of Jesus over sin.
the word Easter derives from the Latin eclesiástico â € œpaschaâ € which, in turn, comes from the Hebrew Phase, which means step transit. Then sumó the letter â € œuâ € by analogy from the Latin word â € € œpascuaâ, linked to the fact that on this date, I used to eat a sheep’s head purchased pastors
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