Christendom, the Church sings in the solemn liturgy of this Palm Sunday. SPECIAL /
- dynamic Pastoral UNIVA
We begin Holy Week; the liturgy presents before our eyes two opposing situations: the triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem and the Passion and Death of Our Lord
First reading
reading the Book of Isaiah (50.4 to 17)
“the Lord helps me, so I did not feel the outrages . “
Second reading
reading from the Letter of Paul to the Philippians (2,6-11):
“Therefore God exalted him and given him the name which is above every name”.
Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ According Luke (22.14 to 23.56):
“Today you will be with me in paradise”
GUADALAJARA, JALISCO (20 / MAR / 2016) .-. Jesus on a donkey, triumphantly entered the city of Jerusalem, the city of David. He entered and won. all the holy city shivered. “Hosanna the son of David!” Were the cries in his presence. Neither the Pharisees nor the doctors of the law, or the temple priests could, although they wanted, turn off the enthusiasm of the people and their unanimous cry. The crowds could not leave quietly admiration, enthusiasm and gratitude. He broke that Sunday; that Sunday was holier, more beautiful, more cheerful than the other parties of people crowded there and the city itself. He, Jesus, was the one who was to come! It was no wait another! Many centuries of waiting had passed and finally was time. Jesus, the son of David was greeted with palms, with tree branches; people threw their cloaks the passage of meek donkey that King came to take possession of their city. The kingdom of Israel had come.
Christendom, the Church sings in the solemn liturgy of this Palm Sunday. Now there is a crowd, but many crowds, each parish every community, sing hymns and chants King joy Pacific. Comes to each and every one with the majesty of a king, the eternity of God’s redemptive goodness, meekness Lamb who takes away the sins of the world, the humility of the victim; comes as wine, with love and for love, she comes to be as when loved, emptied, surrendered “. All in Christ is not time is eternity. Not a page of memories in the dust of history albeit tender story, poignantly. But now living reality in the book of life of each and every one. Christ is inside, deep inside, in the life of the church. The words “Jesus is the Christ” and his deeds are life. The Christian people sing jubilant, and is not just a memory, but the living presence of Christ.
Now, as then, comes to give life. “I want to have life and have it more abundantly.” Wine and comes to giving his life, dying for everyone to live. “If the grain of wheat falls to the ground, it remains alone, and if he falls and dies bears much fruit.” He knows it’s temporary, fleeting glory of the faces joy to meet him with branches and palms; knows what fickle and mercurial feeling and wanting the crowds. I have just spent five days and those same mouths shout hateful Crucify him, crucify !. More Why do you know? Because the will of his father and his own desire is to surrender meekly to which sacrifice sheep, without opening his mouth without complaining. He’s come and go, to shop every day. The Eucharistic celebration every day and from then today is memorial of the passion, death and resurrection of Christ.
In every Mass Christ sacrificed, and now glorious, is delivered. Thousands of believers receive it, make it yours in Holy Communion. He gives everything, gives everything. But it also asks: is in the midst of this human tide of this century as global population explosion, solitude and individualism, and looking at each door of his heart. Touch and expects everyone to open the doors of your heart. He wants everyone to know, who comes near, who treats, to love him. St. Paul in his Letter to the Philippians opens the floodgates of his inner feelings and jumps for joy of having found Christ to exclaim that everything before for rubbish. Da, is given, ask today, if you hear his voice, do not harden your heart want. It is a time of grace, it is an invitation to life
Jose Rosario Ramirez M
Triumphal Entry.. Where?
We begin Holy Week, (most week), liturgy before our eyes two situations contrary; On the one hand the triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem, which gives its name to today’s solemnity, “Palm Sunday”; on the other, the Passion and Death of Our Lord Jesus Christ. It does so to remind us that the triumph of Jesus is not a victory by human standards. On the contrary, it is the triumphant entry that precedes what, according to those criteria, is a complete defeat.
The two texts each year frame the dramatized reading of the Passion help us also to discover the meaning of events that we will see. As much as many of the disciples who accompanied Jesus to Jerusalem, if not all, expected another outcome of that entry, what happened next was anticipated by the prophetic texts.
How do you say killed a word of encouragement, if not actually participating in that gloom? If Jesus had triumphed humanly, it would become a leader over those who promise paradise on Earth for the poor and marginalized, the sick and suffering, but they do not know firsthand these situations, but in name of your important mission, living away from them and, incidentally, are given good life … No, Jesus is a King and Messiah who takes upon himself the gloom and human suffering, and traveling companion of all suffering is (and who does not suffer in one way or another?), to make them feel God’s help, to let them know you will not be disappointed. Everyone should embrace this path full of suggestions and nuances.
When we experience the Father’s love in our lives and decided to reflect the face of Christ it is when the real temptation begins, speaking with neighbors, friends, co-workers: outsiders, prisoners, poor, the unemployed, the subjects of the works of mercy. Many of its criteria or our comments and actions do not match those that God is about life. We must hold to the loving gaze of the Father and walk often counter, helping our brothers, especially the last, to give a full and complete meaning to life. This Easter continue to walk freely, paying attention to see new horizons, known to us personally, knowing new paths and finding ourselves with people who are with us every day but sometimes we are not aware of them.
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