Sunday, March 20, 2016

Madrid Assembly rejects legalization of surrogacy – CNA

MADRID, 19 Mar. 16 / 5:12 pm ( ACI ) .- The Assembly of Madrid (Spain) rejected the proposition of law submitted by the political party Citizens, in which he asked the current central government’s approval of a law on surrogacy and surrogacy.

the vote took place on Thursday 16 March in the Madrid Assembly, and was rejected by 64 votes against and 62 favor. Three politicians from the Popular Party of the Madrid broke the voting discipline imposed by the president of the party in Madrid, Cristina Cifuentes, thus truncating his desire to legalize surrogacy.

Cifuentes confirmed that will fine these politicians pay at least 600 euros, for not following the guidelines imposed by his party.

the proposal of law presented by Citizens to the Assembly of Madrid regarding the legalization of motherhood it subrogated focused on free services provided by expectant mothers and had to ensure “the rights of all persons involved in the process.”

in the month of October 2014 rejected in Congress of Deputies the possibility of creating a legislative framework in relation to surrogacy.

Reactions to the vote

the President of European Forum pro-life One of Us, Jaime Mayor Oreja, said on this issue that politicians who have promoted the initiative, including the Popular Party in Madrid, “are turning their backs and betraying millions of people who voted them that think exactly the opposite of what they are driving. “

also said that he finds it” inconceivable how the Popular Party and Citizens in Madrid are at the top at the moment of a process of these characteristics. “

in a statement, the Federation One of Us termed inadmissible legalizing surrogacy and the “use of the female body as a company.”

Ana del Pino, Coordinator European Executive One of Us, said surrogates “do not constitute any progress and social progress” but “is a new form of exploitation of women and trafficking that turns children into commercial products.”

in addition, del Pino said that “the sale or rental of the body itself implies, ultimately, to the whole person, and the psychological consequences of surrogacy are evident” to the scientific evidence of the bonds that are created between mother and child during pregnancy.

in that sense also expressed spokeswoman Right to Life, the doctor Gador Joya, who he said that surrogacy ” is to reduce pregnancy to a mere technical process, knowing that during gestation a relationship with the only son, who leaves a physically mark as psychological in women “is set.

Joya said that motherhood surrogate “enslaves women and applicants parents the service themselves up drivers for your lifestyle for nine months, to ensure that the ‘product’ of the technique out according to certain criteria of quality.”

La Joya Dr. criticized that there is a political alternative that will hinder such initiatives.

“we regret that once again we are in Spain orphans of a political party that defends the dignity of women, and denounce the disregard for human life that is turned, once again, in order to marketing, “said spokeswoman Right to Live.


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