Saturday, March 19, 2016

Starts Easter – Weather

[quote] The Catholic gray is prepared today to remember the life, death and resurrection of Jesus [/quote]


on Palm Sunday opens solemn Holy Week, with the memory of Palms and Passion of Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem and liturgy . the word that evokes the Passion of Christ in the Gospel of Luke

on this day, the two liturgical traditions that have given rise to this celebration intertwine: the cheerful, crowded, festive liturgy mother church of the holy city, which becomes mimesis, imitation of Jesus did in Jerusalem, and the austere memory – anamnesis – the passion that marked the liturgy of Rome. Liturgy of Jerusalem and Rome, together in our celebration. With an evocation that can not fail to be updated.

Let the thought to Jerusalem, we climbed the Mount of Olives to anchor in the chapel of Bethphage, which reminds us of the gesture of Jesus, prophetic gesture, which comes as peaceful King, Messiah acclaimed first and later sentenced to fulfill all the prophecies. .

For a moment people have revived hope and with it, openly and without subterfuge who came in the name of the Lord. At least they understood the simplest, disciples and people who accompanied Jesus as a King.

Luke does not speak of olive trees and palms, but people who were carpeting the road with his clothes, you receive as a King, people shouting: “Blessed coming as King in the name of the Lord. Peace in heaven and glory in the highest. “

A word with a strange evocation of the same that announced the birth of the Lord in Bethlehem to the lowly. Jerusalem, from the fourth century, in the splendor of its liturgical life celebrated this time with a massive procession. And it liked both pilgrims West left embodied in this procession of bouquets one of the most beautiful celebrations of Easter.

With the liturgy of Rome, on the other hand, we enter the Passion anticipate the proclamation of the mystery, with a great contrast between the way triumphant Christ on Palm Sunday and the Ordeal of holy days.

However, are the last words of Jesus on the cross the new seed which should push the paddle evangelizer of the Church in the world.

“Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit.” This is the gospel, this new news, the content of the new evangelization. From a paradox this world that seems so self-contained, needs to be announce the mystery of the weakness of our God in which the height of their love is demonstrated. As announced early Christians with these long narratives and retailers of the passion of Jesus.

It was the announcement of the love of a God coming down with us to the abyss of what does not make sense, sin and death, the absurd cry of Jesus in his abandonment and extreme confidence. It was an announcement to the more realistic pagan world with him as he could measure the strength of the Resurrection

The liturgy of the palms anticipates Sunday called Easter, the triumph of the resurrection.; while the reading of the Passion invites us to consciously enter the Holy Week glorious and loving Passion of Christ the Lord.

The Judeo-Christian mythology says that ten centuries before had entered the city built by David his son Solomon mounted on a donkey. The people of the city cheered the son of David with shouts of Hosanna, (meaning: hurray!). Moreover, the prophecy of Zechariah says the King of Israel would enter the city of Mount Zion on the back of a donkey as king of peace and a symbol of the new times (a colt instead of your mother). The donkey symbolizes ancient Israel, the people of the Old Covenant. The colt has not ridden by anyone is the real and gentle mount king of the new alliance. It was customary among the people gathered for the Passover received with shouts and chants to new groups arriving. The Kings were received also throwing mantles, palms and olive branches at the feet of the actual frames, carpeting the ground so that they trod upon them.
All this symbolism part of the whole Christian tradition, as in memory this blessing of palms and olive branches held.
throughout the various countries of Catholic tradition, and outside of liturgical celebrations, various demonstrations commemorating the Entry into Jerusalem, and in many cases give start to the Easter processions are well known processions of Borriquita or Pollina in some communities, alluding to the mount of Christ represented in sizes procesionan.

initially the Catholic church called Sunday the second Sunday of the Passion; in 1970 the formal designation was changed. Along with this change, it was also decided that before it was Easter week was named as the Passion Week (formerly called “Easter” officially, and yet so designated by the general public). Hence we see sometimes referred to as the Passion Week, but is, denominations part of Holy Week is celebrated from the Palm Sunday to Easter Sunday.
Christian tradition it is a day in which a win, the entry of Christ into Jerusalem with recognition of a king is commemorated. Throughout the week the tone is different because it commemorates the Passion and Death leg end with the Resurrection.

On this day the celebration of the Mass begins with the blessing of palms and olive branches that They lead attendees and once the job begins reading the full story of the Passion, which is dramatized in some temples is done and is read by three people for stress this enough. Since this is the main event that is celebrated on this day processions best known allude to it, however, as the beginning of all celebrations it is possible for us to find different brotherhoods that procession on this day and represent other passages other than . Passion

Another curiosity of this day in some households has become popular is that saying: “Palm Sunday! Who does not premiere, no hands. ” On that day many people have the habit of Brand something, usually a garment, which in popular superstition means that you will have good luck until next year.


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