Thursday, March 24, 2016

“Sean servers and look into the eyes to see the heart,” the Pope to new bishops – Mana System (blog)

Live 03/21/16 Church. // (RV) .- “Take care and guide the Church entrusted to them, and be faithful stewards of the mysteries of Christ. Chosen by the Father to govern his family, always have before their eyes the Good Shepherd who knows his sheep, “he said Pope Francis in his homily at the Mass of episcopal ordination of Msgr. Peter Brian Wells and Mons. Miguel Angel Ayuso Guixot, held in St. Peter’s Basilica on the Solemnity of St. Joseph, Husband of the Blessed Virgin Mary and Patron of the Universal Iglesia.En his homily, the Holy Father stressed that this ministry was instituted by Christ to redeem mankind who in turn sent “to the twelve apostles by the world, so that, filled with the Holy Spirit, they announce the Gospel, instruct and sanctify all peoples and gather in one flock under one shepherd and guide them to the Salvation”.

Therefore, the Bishop of Rome reminded the candidates to the order of bishops, “who have been chosen among humans to serve in the things of God. The episcopate is a service, not an honor. For this reason, the Bishop must first of all live for the faithful, and not only preside; because, according to the Lord’s command, which is greater must be the smallest, and the president must humbly serve. ” They are servants of all, said the Pope, especially the larger and smaller. All but always servers, to serve the people of God.

Before concluding his homily, Pope Francis said to them tasks which are called ministers Bishops. “Do not forget that the first task of the Bishop is prayer that Peter has said, the day of the election of the seven deacons. The second task, the proclamation of the Word. Then comes the rest. But the first is prayer. If a bishop does not pray, you can not do anything “

(Renato Martinez – Vatican Radio).

Full text of the homily of Pope Francisco

brothers and beloved sons,

We will do well to carefully reflect what ministry in the Church are called these brothers of ours.

our Lord Jesus Christ, sent by the Father to redeem mankind, sent, in turn, to the twelve apostles by the world, so that, filled with the Holy Spirit, they announce the Gospel, instruct and sanctify all peoples and gather in one flock under one shepherd and guide them to salvation.

for this ministry continue until the end of time, the apostles chose collaborators, who, by the laying on of hands, told them the gift of the Holy Spirit they had received from Christ, giving them the fullness of the sacrament of Holy Orders. In this way, it has been passed down through the centuries this ministry, the continuous succession of Bishops and grows and remains to this day the Saviour’s work. In the person of the Bishop, in communion with the priests, the presence here of the same Jesus Christ, Lord and eternal Pontiff manifests


It is the same Jesus Christ who, through the ministry of the Bishop, proclaims the Gospel and It offers believers the sacraments of the faith. He is the one who, through the ministry of the Bishop paternal adds new members to the church, which is his body. It is Christ who, taking advantage of preaching and pastoral care of Bishop, leads through the earthly pilgrimage, participation in the Kingdom of God. Christ Preaching Christ makes the Church fruitful the Church, Christ guide. This is Bishop

Receive therefore with joy and thanksgiving to our brothers, we, the Bishops here present, by the imposition of hands, we add it to our episcopal order. They should honor him as a minister of Christ and dispenser of the mysteries of God: he has been entrusted testify the true gospel and administer the life of the Spirit and holiness. Remember the words of Christ to the apostles: “He who hears you, hears me; who rejects you, rejects me, and whoever rejects me rejects him who sent me. “

And to you, dear brothers, chosen by the Lord, remember who have been chosen among human beings to serve in the things of God. The episcopate is a service, not an honor. Therefore, the Bishop must first of all live for the faithful, and not only preside; because, according to the Lord’s command, which is greater must be the smallest, and the president must humbly serve. Sean servers. Of all the bigger and smaller. . Of all, but always servers, the service

Proclaim the word of God in time and out of season; exhort with all patience and desire to build. In prayer and in the eucharistic sacrifice, ask abundance and diversity of thanks to the people entrusted to you part of the fullness of Christ. Do not forget that the first task of the Bishop is prayer that Peter has said, the day of the election of the seven deacons. The second task, the proclamation of the Word. Then comes the rest. But the first is prayer. If a bishop does not pray, you can not do anything.

Take care and guide the Church entrusted to them, and be faithful stewards of the mysteries of Christ. Chosen by the Father to govern his family, always have before your eyes the Good Shepherd who knows his sheep: behind each letter there is a person. Behind every letter that you receive, there is one person. This person is known to you and that you are able to meet her.

Amen loving father and brother to those God puts in your care, especially priests and deacons. It makes mourn when we hear a priest says he has asked to speak with his bishop and secretary told him that “has a lot to do, but within three months he can not receive.” The first neighbor is your priest Bishop: his first neighbor. If you do not love the first neighbor, you will not be able to love everyone. Close to priests, deacons, their collaborators in ministry; near the poor, the weak, the homeless and immigrants. Look at the faithful in his eyes. But look at the heart. And yours is that faithful priest, deacon or lay person, you can look at your heart. But always look in the eyes.

Take care diligently for those who are not yet incorporated into the flock of Christ, because they too have been entrusted in the Lord. Do not forget that part of the Episcopal College within the Catholic Church, which is the bond of love. Therefore, his pastoral solicitude should be extended to all the Churches, always ready to come to the aid of the neediest.

Worry, therefore the universal flock, whose service makes them the Holy Spirit to serve the Church of God. And this do everything in the name of the Father, whose image represent in the Church; in the name of His Son, Jesus Christ, whose office of Teacher, Priest and Pastor exert; and in the name of the Holy Spirit, who gives life to the Church of Christ and strengthens our weakness. May the Lord be with you, be they close on this path now start


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