Emol / SANTIAGO Today is celebrated worldwide Day of Happiness, one introduced in 2012 by the United Nations (UN) date as a how to recognize the importance of happiness and well-being as universal aspirations of human beings, and the importance of inclusion in government policies.
However, it is not necessary to wait until the authorities issued a “law” obliging citizens to be happy. On the contrary, we can approach happiness by making small daily acts that often go unnoticed.
In Emol want our readers to be happier and that is why we give these 10 simple tips to help them. Let’s put them into practice!
1. Make sport
Have you heard of endorphins? Also known as happy hormones, they are released by the pituitary gland and hypothalamus when a person is faced with different situations, including pain, excitement and exercise. They are a kind of natural “drug”, which have an analgesic effect and give sense of wellbeing. Appreciate!
Therefore, physical activity is a very easy way to get a share of happiness to your life. It is not necessary to do an extreme sport: half an hour daily walk is enough
2. Eat chocolate
Like exercise, eating chocolate also stimulates the release. endorphins and hence with it an undeniable feeling of pleasure is experienced. It is also a food that helps raise serotonin levels, a neurotransmitter closely related to mood. In other words, chocolate is a food that makes us feel happier and, moreover, is beneficial to health because it contains a lot of antioxidants.
For this reason, experts recommend consuming doses day of no more than 30 grams (something like a matchbox) of chocolate, hopefully with cocoa content greater than 70%.
3. Live slow
from more than 20 years there is the so-called “Slow Motion”, which aims to exalt the enjoyment, enjoyment and taste for life, but so slowly. A completely opposite to what prevails in today’s world where time is money and all things are for “yesterday” vision. At bottom, it is “live slow” to enjoy and have a more fulfilling existence and, of course, happy
We suggest you do the following test:. At least for a day when you drive your self respect all speed limits. Sure you will notice that other drivers will honk and even chide you. But, trust us. Your satisfaction will be great when you meet all the “rush” as you stand at the next light
4. Meditate
In a world that literally no for, pause a moment to reflect and relax helps the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well-being is a powerful idea. According to Barbara Steinfort, coach of the Condor Blanco Organization, with only 5 minutes of meditation it is achieved not only relieve anxiety, but also be more efficient at work, achieve better performance, a healthy blood pressure and lower risk of cardiovascular disease .
So, meditation becomes a symbol of happiness and emotional stability.
5. Get organized
Insurance more than ever heard the phrase “Do not leave for tomorrow what you can do today”. For many, happiness means living in the moment, without thinking about what will come. And it may be so, but it certainly will be much happier if you project in the short term to “live the moment” much more fully and with less times of crisis
A concrete example. You have the weekend full of fun activities to share with your family, but you can not get you out of your head that your children have school responsibilities that have to meet late on Sunday. So, you spend very well, but do not live the moment fully. Then a much better option is to set everything related to school before parting with activities and thus close the weekend with a big smile of satisfaction.
6. Travel
According to a study by the University of San Francisco, happy people are those who accumulate memories based on life experiences. And what better way than through travel! It can be one partner, family or friends; a near or distant place; for a few, several, or many days. Actually it does not matter, the important thing is to enjoy before, during and after any adventure.
7. Have a positive and optimistic attitude
Basically, this is always see the glass half full; thinking that things will go well today, tomorrow and in the days, weeks and months to come. In this way, you’ll live happier, enjoy more moments and go forging a shield that will help you when you spend some hard time.
The good news is that you can learn to be positive and optimistic, for which it is essential that people know themselves; acceptance, their strengths and limitations; have self-love and be open to learn from everything that can not go so well.
8. Work at something you like
The vast majority of people choose voluntarily they want to work and not to have someone with a gun to their heads forcing them to do so. “If you do not like (your work), it’s your own fault,” says motivational speaker Chris Barez-Brown in his book “Free! Love Your Work Love Your Life” ( “Free! Love your work loves your life”) . And for him, the relationship people have with their work is central to happiness.
That is why if every morning you wake up to go to a job you do not like, the best you can do for your life it is to stop and think what you can do about it or how you can renew. Otherwise, happiness will remain elusive for you.
9. naps
According to a study by the University of Berkeley, REM sleep helps regulate negative emotions, to be more receptive to the positive facts and, consequently, to be happier. This is achieved with 12 hours daily dreams distributed between night and pause after lunch. The long-awaited nap
According to the neurologist Walter Avdaloff, humans are programmed to napping, as they help to recover the energy to finish the day. But how much should last ideally
According to Sara Mednick, assistant professor of psychology at the University of California professor, the answer is in direct relation to what each requires. So, if you need to recharge, 10 to 20 minutes will be perfect; if you want to improve your memory, the rest should be extended for 60 minutes; and if your goal is to be creative and have emotional memory, you’ll need 90 minutes, ie a Enables full sleep cycle.
10.- your sexuality
During sex are released a large number of substances, including those already named endorphins and serotonin, but also oxytocin, known as the “molecule of love” – and dopamine, a neurotransmitter that has to do with welfare. Hence, after a satisfying sexual relationship, the couple perceived an improvement in their mood or, in other words, feel happier.
However-and unlike what many may believe- it is not necessary to have sex every day for happiness. In fact, a study published in late 2015, found that only once a week is sufficient to achieve an optimum level of happiness among heterosexual marriages or relationships long term. The reason? The intimate connection that has a couple, is considered more important than how often they have sex. CHILE: On the day of happiness, Emol gives you 10 simple tips to be happy
Information Emol
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