image denunciation of the situation of the factory
the Social Chamber of the High Court of Cantabria has declared inadmissible layoffs Ecomasa (Nestor Martin).
a judgment which has accessed the farad, partially upheld the appeal of the first group of nine workers dismissed from the factory Maliaño, and revokes the decision of judgment of the Labour Court number three.
in this way, condemning the company Ecomasa World Investments SL, which pordrá choose between reinstatement, with the corresponding payment of lost wages, or compensation, ranging between 22,000 and 58,000 euros depending on each case.
However, absolves TEKA, the undertaking from workers who tried to relocate in Ecomasa, considering that this first company did not breach the agreements or conditions.
Ante the sentence, which can anticipate the pending court decisions for the rest of workers affected, it should appeal to the Supreme Court.
the sentence, which describes the sequence of changes in the corporate network launched by managers Ecomasa refers to the dismissal of 2015 (the factory sacked last February to all staff and ceased its activi).
and warn the company that the money gave from the public company SODERCAN (a participative loan worth 3 million euros) was not for freely available, but for quue had liquidity necessary to meet the Viability Plan agreed.
in addition, impacts that the fate of these expenses are not credited, and not made available to the workers their share in the firing, why must be considered irrelevant.
the courts dirimen several causes at the moment, such as the dismissal of the factory, executed for the entire Export Team last February.
But also other aspects such as alleged fraud in training subsidies for employment in a cause they are accused of Lavin and De Leon managers, and the factory director, Mario Palacio Martin.
in total, they were invested in factory order of 18 million euros of public money, and also the workers who came from Teka contributed 3.2 million of their dismissals, to a factory that has closed finished with layoffs and doubts about the fate of those amounts.
a court edge that adds to the political, with the imminence of a Commission of Inquiry in Parliament.
Precisely Monday have taken the first steps, with the meeting of the Board of Spokesmen. On Monday the deadline for the appointment of representatives will open.
The investigative body will consist of four members of the PP, three from the PRC, two in the PSOE, one can and other citizens.
all of them will be given the documents in the possession of the Government and after study, each group will require the hearings as appropriate, as well as the timing of them.
the deputy Podemos Cantabria, José Ramón Blanco, explained that “in the coming weeks will begin to move this committee with the appointment of Members who will take part, appearances etc”.
the opinion of the Commission and debate and a vote by the full Parliament shall be completed within two months from the date of the constituent session of the Commission of Inquiry
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