We celebrating Easter. In it, from the acclamation of Jesus Christ, Son of the living God, with branches and palms, our gaze is fixed intently on the Cross and Jesus nailed to it. There, on the Cross and in the Eucharist, instituted at the Last Supper before the Passion, where the same cross of Jesus Christ is updated, we have the mystery of God who is love. Here we have all the love of God: ?? God so loved the world that He gave us His Son ??. He gave himself for us on the cross; It was divine stripped of his rank and stooped to death, death on a cross; in the silence of the Cross, God has told us everything and has shown us the true wisdom that we seek: the Cross of Christ is the true wisdom hidden from God and where is the true knowledge of God that faith with reason try to investigate. Therefore, St. Paul want to have no other knowledge of Christ Crucified, or announce other wisdom than the Cross, folly to Gentiles and a stumbling block to Jews. In the Cross is salvation and hope. In the Cross is the time for which the Son of God has come in the flesh, which has shown us love.
In this supreme hour of the Cross, which is the time of God’s love, we see Jesus, who learned to obey suffering, who gave up everything, put and surrendered his will to the Father ???? not do what I will, but what you want ???? and we see nothing; but full of Everything, Love, because it assumes and fulfills completely the will of the Father who is infinite love that involves the radical poverty of man. There, stripped of everything and only with God, and nothing else, we enter the mystery of God and the wisdom of the first of the beatitudes, we understand a little better, because we see fulfilled in the flesh of our flesh, take a dispossession: ?? Blessed are the poor, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven ??. Blessed is the poor that is Jesus Christ who has nothing, because that is entirely the Kingdom of God, God Himself, His infinite love, filling all his poverty and enriching the whole of humanity that is filled with love. The radical and essential poverty of Jesus Christ, and despoiled, is truth that liberates and saves. In this light, we realize that every man is worth what is before God, not by what appears on the scene of this passing world.
Poor among the poor, invites us to recognize Jesus stripped present in many dispossessed, in many marginalized in history, stolen and dumped on the roadside, of those men who spend long pisen although, as one who was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho. Jesus present in those poor and dispossessed, invites us to our following Him is preferential option for the poor, is working for the past and mistreated, is host of the destitute, Himself, that with them is identified .
This is the great scandal and folly of the Cross, in the eyes of men; but it is also the great and unique wisdom, God, the love that is God himself, incarnate in hanging from the tree: there is the salvation of the world, because in that abyss that has fallen has come Love, God himself. And all fills, illuminates, transforms, redeems and saves. ?? Who can separate us from the love of Christ ???, says St. Paul, who also tell us ?? I just want to know Christ, crucified ??
?? Hail, oh Cross. only hope! ??. How right he could say Santa Teresa we have to bring our contemplation ?? very wounded Christ ??. Where there is so much love, we will draw undoubtedly love, much love, as the author of the sonnet, as known: ?? I am not moved to love my God / heaven you have promised me … You move me, Lord; I’m moved to see / nailed to the cross and mocked; / moves me to see your body so wounded; /’m moved by your affronts and your muerte./ Muéveme at last your love, and so / that although there were no heaven I love you , / and although there were no hell, we were afraid … ??
Cross is revealed the mystery of the hidden God, our Savior. How can God be one that condemned dies at the hands of blind powers and of a crowd manipulated, but conscious, and plunged into a failure in the eyes of men? How can you reveal and communicate God there? Can you still believe in God in the midst of this very dark side of life is evil and suffering in so many ways unlimited? Can you believe to death, even if violent children, or after the great destructive massacres of XX and XXI centuries, we all have in memory? If God is so good, if God loves us so much, why does He allow so much suffering ?; and if it is so powerful, why does not intervene? Are bitter complaints and questions of humanity mingled with pain, crying, suffering.
God does not intervene with force in favor of those who suffer, and did not intervene in favor of Jesus, does not mean it absent or indifferent to the suffering of men. It means, rather, quite the opposite: it accepts and endorses the suffering of their own, as his did the suffering of Jesus, to redeem him with his love, to teach us to suffer it without despair and to invite us to discover him and help where a man suffers. A God is not unaware of the suffering of men, he identifies with him; and shows the density and thickness of the suffering: the suffering of his own Son. At the same time it is ?? no ?? God evil, reflected in the supreme form we see in the passion and death that was divine, has stripped himself or be all in love without limits.
On the Cross, so Jesus Christ gives hope to all men, especially for marginalized and excluded from society, led to death outside the walls of the quiet town and selfish well-being, for all the disinherited of history, by revealing, since its own condition only Son, the heart of God as Father dear, that does not leave the Son in the lurch the abyss, Father also of them in the past and sinners, welcoming all those in need and sometimes hopeless of salvation.
Jesus Christ hanging on the cross shows us that salvation is not with the wise and prudent of this world with the powerful, with the strongest, with those who have great energy and capacity to the future. But, rather, it is with those who have lost; with the Forsaken and broken; with those who have not arrived, with the dispossessed and persecuted; with which, blistered like Lazarus, crawl to reach the crumbs from the table of the sick; with small and those who are so poor and weak that do not contribute apparently nothing to solving the problems of humanity and progress of society.
From the Cross we reach the new salvation and final, total, the glut of salvation, justice and meaning, which is none other than God: unfathomable mystery of love. It is in the emptying of God on the cross of His Son, holding nothing back, where his benevolence and love manifests because no one has greater love than the one who gives his life for others. Jesus Christ is God, the Son of God, is the eternal fruit of their love, do all him and by giving His life on the cross for us men, give all the love of God.; nothing is saved for himself. It is there too, in the Cross of Jesus Christ, which befalls God’s judgment on sinful and hostile humanity, fratricidal and lost humanity, sinful humanity. Judgment is none other than his infinite acting love, his grace itself, forgiveness, justification, from where, by contrast, is evident our iniquity and our sin and calls us to conversion: to take the love that God Himself puts in us so that we get him out consummating his work
There, in the Crucified, we discover God’s freedom to love.; there is his omnipotence omnipotence of his love. Here we see God, touched and impressed by pain and misery, sin and wickedness of man, his closeness and compassion for the underdog and the disinherited of the earth. The death of the cross is the sign and the eloquent proof of God’s love to men (cf. Jn 3:16). ?? In giving his Son Jesus to death, death on a cross, God comes to the extreme gift of self to a strange and hostile world, away from him by sin. That is their ultimate and supreme sign of love for men. Poses a serious and decisive will to really enter our unjust and brutal world, get involved in it from within and exposure, therefore the rejection of the freedom of man ?? (Catechism ?? This is our faith ?? p. 144), but entirely emptied his love that creates, recreates, frees and saves all its infinite power.
?? Jesus, innocent and righteous are delivery to death, interiorly animated by the most extreme fidelity to God and love of man … Jesus experienced the darkness of death and even alienation from God that this entails, because it is the fruit of sin … But also suffers death with a total and unwavering trust in God, his Father, abandoning himself in his hands. And this attitude changes inside the sense of death. Jesus, innocent and righteous, merciful and faithful, confident and full of love, becomes the most extreme closeness to God what was extreme remoteness from Him. Death, lived in a meat whose condition is foreign to God for sin that is, death lived in our flesh, it becomes the way of eternal life. Jesus did not suffer death as a fate. Suffers and dies freely in perfect communion with his Father and for love of men. Thanks to the love of Jesus, faithful to God and supportive men, we can also respond faithfully and we enter a new love relationship with others, with every man, even the enemy ?? (Catechism ?? This is our faith ??, 146), we can love without borders because, by the Cross of Christ, we are children of God.
God grant us to enter into the mystery of the Cross, contemplate and worship Him and achieve true wisdom of the Cross comes to the whole world. It shines as early glory, the glory of the Resurrection, the victory of love that transforms death into life.
+ Antonio, Card.
Canizares Llovera Archbishop of Valencia
Original Source: http://www.archivalencia.org/contenido.php?a=6&pad=6&modulo=37&id=13454&pagina=1
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