A few months ago the mayor of Santander, Inigo de la Serna, said that Santander suffered from ‘plataformitis’, referring the ‘flood’ of citizen platforms that have been created in the city, many of them to defend their interests against the General Plan, as the pylon, Prado San Roque or the Coastal Path.
on Thursday, March dying, has had a replica of the statements in the monthly municipal council of Santander. Miguel Saro (IU) has been accused of “pancartismo” referring to the City Council put on the facade of the building to replicate the MUPAC stay in Santander.
Banner in defense of MUPAC in the City Hall
a banner that criticized all opposition parties for a motion that was approved, and in which the City Council requests the Government of Cantabria to close the debate on the location of the Museum prehistory and resume collaboration with the Consistory for expansion. A debate that the opposition has insisted she has opened himself.
In fact, referring to the Gag Law (which has also been in full), Councilman Ganemos, Antonio Mantecon, you has warned jokingly about the risks offered by the public Safety Act on hanging banners of public buildings.
it has not prospered the motion presented by this group to ask for explanations from the CEO of Cantabrian Government, Samuel Ruiz, on fines in the region. As published in its eldiario.es time, Cantabria leads the ranking of autonomous communities in complaints based on this regulation.
The votes of PP and Citizens have prevented this request is approved, which also included the application of create a social amnesty to those accused in protests. Since the government team, the Councillor for Citizen Protection, Pedro Nalda, said that in Cantabria there is not a single complaint regarding protests, but all have focused on consumption and possession of drugs. The farad and advance in August that the first complaint was a member of the PAHs during a bank protest.
The government team has submitted a motions battery to make several requests to the regional government. There are several applications that fall within a block that could call City Hall vs Government, and that this legislature is being very common.
The mayor of Santander, Inigo de la Serna, during the plenary session on Thursday.
on the one hand MUPAC request was followed by another motion urging the Executive to amend the Rules and call for grants to local governments for hiring unemployed. Specifically requested that the funds differently distributed, because apparently the money granted by the Government fails to cover the salary costs of collective agreements.
has also been a motion, passed with votes PP and Citizens, which claims that the Department of Ophthalmology Hospital Marqués de Valdecilla Santander continue. As he recalled the regionalist spokesman Jose Maria Fuentes Pila, “Valdecilla is the hospital of all Cantabrians, not just the santanderinos” but since the government team insisted that “it is a health service now and who do not want to lose. ” Citizens has supported it “unacceptable” considering the transfer.
And also approved with the support of several groups ask the government of Cantabria to comply with a commitment acquired to finance the construction of the civic center years Cazoña. A claim from the PRC have charged that “stuck in a drawer during the four years of the government of Ignacio Diego”
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