Saturday, May 9, 2015

Errejón: & prime; In can there much sex as game … – EntornoInteligente

Errejón <- - AUGURE_NOTICIA_INICIO!>: ‘For we there so much sex and Game of Thrones’ / World / “Inigo, you are one of those who want to shoot me in the wall, right?”. Who he went last Thursday so the brain can was not exactly a militant of the Falange. It was one of the most important chroniclers of the native cuore. Loewe bag in hand and dressed in their best clothes, approached Errejón Atocha station in Madrid. With that question showed that fear can they have for the wealthier classes of our country. The tall young man pulled fair play. He used a conciliatory tone. “Ma’am, I’m not by shooting anybody.” He showed art to seduce even those who are in their ideological antipodes. “This happens to me, especially with older people. Those comments demonstrate is what our opponents are doing their job well discredit. They shoot with cannons and guns balls with us. Therefore, we must continue moderating our speech and making a pedagogical work. voter to voter. ” That is the roadmap Errejón to “disable” the intention of “the political and economic powers” can convert in the Antichrist. “With us there will come the Apocalypse” proclaims.

When this political scientist, with last boyscout, found that the dirty war had begun, he understood it was time to soften the melodies of the heavy metal band with just 150,000 euros got 1,245,948 votes in the European past. He knew he had to compose more catchy tunes to reach the masses and not just disenchanted UI. That “intellectual transition” culminated a few weeks ago. There were dead. The schism caused the defection of one of the souls of the group, who was his teacher Juan Carlos Monedero. This argued for the speech to radicalize “attacks the state.” Errejón opted for whitening brand, turning it into a governing party, far from the utopian proposals wallet. The disciple pulse beat his teacher.

At the turn to the centrality of the brains we can accept one of the toughest challenges of his short political career. Spend a day of fundraising with the medium aired their dirty laundry college to make it a member of the breed. It has thought much, but it strategist. He knows that to reach your goal has to go even to readers of those newspapers that uncovered ties with leaders of Podemos Venezuela. He included.

11.30 The first meeting with Chronic occurs in his studio. You pay about 800 euros per month. It is about living in the Madrid de los Austrias. They can afford it. Errejón is one of the positions can earn more money. 2,270 euros per month. He says he is not in politics for the “pasta” or to be a minister. “I want to achieve the feat of the change and return to teaching at the University. To manage more prepared people.” He is exhausted and the campaign has not yet begun. He arrived at 4 in the morning to present the program in Extremadura. It has the empty fridge. Not hungry. a tribute was hit yesterday in Badajoz. Meat and ham stone good. He was accompanied by Extremadura candidate Alvaro Jaen. That which ensured that at home did not fall nor an Iberian shoulder.

Errejón looks Pull and Bear shirt, Levis jeans and gray New Balance sneakers. It is his effort to go to the last. He looks like a guy who has never broken a plate. It is “aseadito”. One aspect that hates Wallet, in their angry parting, used that term to discredit Errejón and the rest that have led the party to the path of moderation. To those who have understood that in politics the aesthetic also has to win over the undecided voters. “For we have to remove that label that we are ragged. We have a friendly face.”

The right hand of Churches are not comfortable when you are questioned by falling Wallet. He has not spoken to him personally. Although the figure is clear that as “polarized” was a “difficult” to attract the middle classes. “More by how he said that what he said. I would appreciate it, but I think he’s more comfortable in the logic of the University, in which you say most groundbreaking and iconoclastic things, that the logic of the policy, which requires more prudent and realistic proposals, “says Errejón. Purse did not devote a single line in his farewell. The campaign manager also seems to go take much.

Do you think the case Wallet [claimed 425,000 euros of Venezuela who resisted declaring a whole] is to blame for your downfall seven points at the last CIS?

‘Clearly affected, but has not been the only cause. Also smear campaign.

We accompany a coffee at Opera Square. His mother (a construction company secretary) had a credit of Royal Theatre, but he hates opera. Prefer to devour books (for sleep you need to read something) and was once a lover of strategy games like Commandos. Adora use military similes. He meets his army: an official of Adif, who has requested a leave of absence and five advisers to 1,200 euros apiece that seem more Leaving a drama class film director Leon de Aranoa. They are middle clas s pure and simple. There’s even one that wears Ralph Lauren.

We -¡Tenéis in posh!

We have everything, but mainly young and old middle class. They have built this label only vote for us and that’s anti lie with the CIS on hand and what is seen at rallies. We are transverse. What do you think? Errejón asks who is declared fan of the Real Madrid.

-¿Iría the box at the Bernabeu invited by Florentino Perez?

No. There have negotiated major atrocities declares a thirty who has not come from the White Coliseum Dubovsky times.

When entourage escort him two bodyguards: The Apples, a judoka friend Errejón, and Manolo, a policeman from Seville and removed. “In the Meritorious there are podemitas” he says. [The address we decided to have security for their leaders in December when a madman approached Iglesias at the exit of the funeral of the M-30. He died a partner]. The procession heads to the station in rented cars. A long day of fundraising in Zaragoza.

12.30 Start the railroad. Inigo always preferred. You can not read in the car. It tide. Traveling in economy. “We can not go into a class than this. I’ve got to run out train to continue our commitment. It is symbolic but that counts in politics today.” They go to three-star hotels, although they are more expensive than four.

Displays your tablet white label. It is attached to the Telegram, the instant messaging application that would have prevented the appearance in the world of the “Luis be strong” Rajoy. Messages self-destruct within seconds. From there it controlled the match. Errejón the argumentario is brooding. He knows that they will ask for their struggles with Pablo Echenique, Aragonese candidate who did not support. “I did not because I did not like its organizational model … I recognize that many vote for us for it.”

13.45 The train reaches the Aragonese capital. At the station they address it. From businessmen to children attending for selfie. It’s quite a cathodic star. Television has catapulted him, though he does not feel a product of Sixth. “For us it is a key training ground of public opinion. I would prefer that it did on seminars rather than formats cry.”

In the campaign for the European nobody knew. His life changed when all analysts placed him behind the phenomenon of El Pigtails. It was he who decided to put his face on the ballot. Errejón befriended Churches in the Faculty of Political Complutense between manifestations of “no to war” and escraches Rosa Díez. “I do not regret it,” says this son of a senior official. He always warned that “burn containers” was not the way. “We had to enter the field, to change things from the institutions.” Curiously Errejón he not involved in the early stages of the 15-M. Indeed, there came to the camp of Sun until three days later. He did jacketed. He came to present his thesis. He always liked to dress well, especially for that service take more seriously their students. His boyish face playing against.

The number two we just celebrated the victory of the 25-M. He was not drunk like others of his comrades. Le invaded a mixture of fear and respect. The podemitas had no headquarters to assess the way forward after his electoral success and gathered in the apartment of a friend. “It’s time to move on or get off. It will be very hard. We will attack without mercy,” he snapped. He would be the first to receive a thrust. The controversy reached its pellets at the University of Malaga when he was a research fellow. He earned 1,825 gross per month. “I admit I did things wrong. I should have asked for permission to do research at a distance”. Errejón what went wrong, but never thought of throwing in the towel. “You see people not interested in clarifying things, but you have a machine with great ability to build perceptions. It is releasing things and nobody clarifies that it remains to be,” he says while being driven in a taxi to You eat restaurant where the dome can Aragon. Not pay the race. The driver is a volunteer.

14.00 devours young lamb chops in a few minutes. Its unmistakable takes off his glasses. One and one of myopia. It departs from the group and goes to another table to prepare the interview with a regional newspaper. He was to accompany Echenique, but does not appear in the newspaper. No wheelchair access. “Last week was and almost killed” feature.

18.15 Mitin with Echenique in central Zaragoza stories. “What boss. I have crushed with much travel,” says the candidate of Aragon. There is a pin in the auditorium. Does not sound international, but the Dust in The Wind Kansas. No trace of communist or anarchist flags. There are many young middle class and pensioners. Errejón earns standing ovation. Gesturing as if he had grown up watching documentaries of the Bolshevik revolution and not the cartoon GI Joe.

He presents his series of measures, which no longer appear universal minimum income or non-payment of debt, two of the star we proposed originally. “We realized we had to do more applicable measures,” he admits. Closes the act. They are whistling through the emergency door.

‘Who would think have rented a room for 150 people ?, asks Errejón.

No ‘I expect to have much pull says a partner.

On the way to the station more sporting recognized in Europe. When we were a group of colleagues without any pressure and beers were taken to end rallies. We asked for that obsession with Game of Thrones.

But there is so much sex we like on the show?

Yes there is so much.

20.40 Return to Madrid. Station coincides with one of the great theoreticians of political communication, Luis Arroyo, akin to the PSOE. No greeting. He predicts that the “love” of a part of Spain with the home training is over. Errejón happens. “I ignore the gurus. Look what Arriola said” he recalls. It was about a lady of Navarra to express his sympathy.

-¿Vais to support annexation to the Basque Country?

I do not see evil to be discussed, but there are more important things .

Start the train. Errejón is dead but accepts the latest point-blank questions. Venezuela denies any financing of the party, although he does not repent of having received money from a foundation related to Chavez. “That does not mean I want this model of society. Of course, in Venezuela there are things that are done well as literacy in society”.

With so much cane you give to the banks not you will have none left open accounts, is not

– I have the account in one of those big banks that evicted. The would have to close.

‘You publish the list of those fiscal amnesty welcomed?

Yes. Voters should know these names before 24-M.

22.00 Arrival in Madrid. “I do not mind the flag of Spain in our meetings”, said the way. It moves to the neighborhood of Hortaleza for putting up posters. Comes the beloved leader Pablo Iglesias. Errejón hugs. Some drunken neighbors begin to shout “go away to Venezuela.” Mandan the apples to appease the rioters. It seems that teaching Errejón still has work to do.

@ javiernegre10

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