Thursday, May 28, 2015

GLOBAL: A liberal Aguirre than enough reasons to criticize … – EntornoInteligente

GLOBAL <- - AUGURE_NOTICIA_INICIO!>: A liberal Aguirre than enough reasons to criticize the program Carmena (if he had read) / Information .com / A detailed analysis of the proposed program “Now we can? Esperanza Aguirre had provided ammunition against Carmena stronger than it is while using Esperanza Aguirre against her rival.

In her other reasonable initiatives reflect only good intentions and some that can cause more destruction than good social mix.

Carmena, whose list can have 8 members, many people IU, and thinkers of the Complutense, makes clear his intentions. Banks, corporations, private initiative, electrical, telecommunications, SAREB, urban planning, venture capital investment companies? are your big goals. That and many audits that could end projects of billions by the conditions of the same, or more spots revealing corruption because past contracts will be reviewed.

Controversial audits audits as a necessity arise, especially in Madrid after the case Gürtel . But it also happens that, as pointed out by Vox Populi, companies like BBVA can see frustrated their investment in Operation Northern District, which now Madrid considered at least unnecessary in your program.

Now Madrid wants audit Operation Canalejas held by OHL, which has caused irritation Villar Mir, who has said he hopes can be a party that lives permanently in opposition. For Monsanto, now intend to declare the city Madrid GMO-free zone within the European Network and establish a land bank with public land that can be used to agroecological farming endangers their investments. Vodafone is, you can not put a name to Metro Sol. None of them will be easier if Madrid does the program now.

Blackstone, the largest joint venture capital in the world, and also one of the largest investors in real estate, he agreed in July 2013 to purchase 1,860 flats Company Housing and Land of Madrid (SLA) for 128.5 million euros. Now, Carmena quarantines and points to the possibility of establishing a strategy to repossess homes sold in the SLA and ensure in any event that the agreed conditions are maintained on subsidies, the rent, the duration of contracts and the obligation to exercise the purchase option. And if these conditions are not met, order reverse immediately the sale in case of default.

More taxes for large companies, that is, these companies can see turned into nothing certain of their agreements or projects future. Apart from the ethical assessment of the measure, the fact is that also creates a legal uncertainty which money flees.

The idea of ​​reinstating the taxation associated with the economic activity of large companies based in City, activating the IAE in this sector will be a blow to telecoms and electricity, among others. And many others will think if Madrid is a good place to invest.

Provide specific rates and licenses under the social interest of companies is a vague phrase, but leaves much room for arbitrariness not be sure who will make that decision.

“Now Madrid? begins with ideas already heard arriving Tsipras to power and which directly affect the banks. The first is to restructure debt and implement the necessary measures for renegotiating interest rates, lengthening maturities and amortization and grace periods, the implementation of moratoriums, selective remove and establishing policies and criminal responsibilities.

Carmena not forget in its program that one of the main sources of corruption is planning. It is therefore proposed that each euro will be audited by an audit of the sales of municipal assets and legality, relevance and economic planning adequacy of planning changes, Megainversiones soil and transmissions made in recent years, for possible unfair and perverse efforts overruns, ahead of its reversal. That is, many may have to repay much.

The hotel business, and new banks and power also have to pay more. Madrid now proposes to restructure the rates regulating the private use of public space (terraces and steps of vehicles, machines, radio spectrum, etc.) with progressive scales depending on the type and intensity of use.

Penalty build concrete homes … Carmena not exactly but proposes to eliminate subsidies and fee waivers unjustified non-municipal entities and agencies and implement disposal. Imposing taxes that penalize build housing for speculative purposes, in the hands of large companies, real estate and financial institutions

One of the most striking and complex proposals is to require the repayment of State jurisdiction over certain taxes ( telecom, electrical and other).

Public Bank, if not forgotten, “Now Madrid? the idea of ​​creating a municipal-regional public bank that serves as a tool to finance social projects and companies and cooperatives to promote the productive economy. That that Bankia, and as the politicians dominated finished as over.

Carmena will control expenses? Your bet is a minor budgetary control. Two thoughts do cause more amazement among economists. Support initiatives that promote supramunicipal the repeal of the Organic Law 2/2012 of 27 April budgetary stability and financial sustainability and the Law 27/2013, of rationalization and sustainability of the local administration. They have their effects because the lack of budgetary control is the first step to spend uncontrollably. And that already knows what it takes. And over the city of Madrid, which not short of debt.

One of the issues that most gatherings dominated was the sale to ‘vulture funds’ floors State and which were intended to Start official protection. In this case stop the sale Carmena aims to ‘vulture funds’ municipally owned housing and seek its reversal

Do not forget Carmena classic. Ensure implementation of Law 52/2007 of Historical Memory especially in terms of the symbolism and the street.

Go for the SAREB Now Madrid wants to use all the means and municipal resources for cessation of evictions and forced evictions of first housing (mortgage, rent recovery or demolition) and ensure alternative housing to all persons evicted or displaced from first housing through the municipal social services

Now. Who is going to pay? It seems that the SAREB because Carmena aims to encourage the setting permanently vacant housing using the SAREB, financial institutions and other large companies through a census to determine the number and status and through agreements that allow these homes pass the public housing stock rented and social rented.

It also proposes an audit of the debt of the Municipal Social Housing to determine responsibilities for the purchase of land for the housing bubble and its relationship with the City’s indebtedness will scare michos

The touch can in now Madrid’s features can in “Now Madrid are observed in some already known proposals.? guarantee a minimum income (RMI) for population with incomes below the minimum wage. Ensuring basic supplies (electricity, gas and water) to all households unable to afford to eliminate energy poverty and withdraw the proposed General Urban Plan developed by the current municipal government.

Information Information .com

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