Sunday, July 17, 2016

The Civil War as a spiritual struggle – La Prensa (Argentina)

Miguel Ayuso Torres is a Spanish intellectual as there are few. prominent figure of the Hispanic Catholic traditionalism, author of a dozen books and hundreds of newspaper articles, is credited to demonstrate in his writings the originality and authenticity of this school of thought. In Argentina have been published, among other titles, The City Walls and Chesterton, knight errant.


Jurist and philosopher of law, director of the famous magazine Word, dedicated to spreading the Catholic culture, has been in recent years a guest to Spanish television program Tears in the rain, the writer Juan Manuel de Prada regular, from where he also captivated with their interventions to a diverse audience. The first of all, its driver, dazzled with its ability to “bring an insightful and different light on issues that had we used to look with blinders of platitudes”.


One such issue that program was lit in the Spanish Civil War, whose home is now serving 80 years. A topic that Ayuso agreed to speak to reporters in an interview by e-mail.


-The analysis of the war must come from the Republic. Would you say that now prevails a romantic view of it?


-Firstly, indeed, the Republic is generally identified with democracy, although from the beginning was characterized by a full revanchist politics of hate, particularly religion. Do not forget that before a month after his proclamation the first burning of convents occurs. Identifiable soon left without further reduced. Hence the Republic equation = Democracy = Left, which makes that although the 1933 elections the win right (the Christian Democrats for more signs) can not govern only in coalition with the Radical Party of Masonic stamp and yet, occur as a result a revolution, like that of Asturias, 1934, fueled not only by the Communist Party but mainly by the Socialist, in which many have seen the immediate origin of the civil war. The elections of February 1936, won by the Popular Front in a pre-war climate, trigger a set of disorders with threats to political enemies that lead even the murder of one of the leaders of the parliamentary opposition, Jose Calvo Sotelo, crime in which the police and the government appear involved.


What factors contributed to this reading has been imposed?


Even if it seems incredible in the light of good hard facts, the idyllic vision of the Republic has been imposed by the sectarianism of the left, which obviously did not spare his defeat and devoted his powerful connections in the world of culture and media for coining this legend. But also by the “delicacy” of the Liberals, always ready to surrender to the left to make amends its status as bourgeois and therefore is equidistant between the forces at stake.


‘You have referred to the existence of a number of myths on the left of the origin of the conflict. Can you remember?


He would, in line with what I just said, the destruction of an alleged exemplary democracy by military fascists supported by the forces of reaction and oligarchy, with the Church at its head. This is unsustainable because it is the social-communist left that was willing to break with the bourgeois republic, to the point of being ready for the revolution, which the military halted the coup. He failed coup that led to a war. Some military also mostly masons and liberals but they were not willing to let the Communists imposed by force. In fact, being the Army would have treated a simple reaction moderating the extremes of the Republic, a “good republic.” But what set the tone for the war was the religion of traditional village, in a singular way in the north, especially in Navarra, where the uprising was stunning and filled with religious and monarchical fervor. Keep in mind that the Carlismo there was very active and without them can not explain the meaning of war. The Falange, however, fascistic, was practically nonexistent at first, and only sign of the times and opportunism of Franco became a decisive force.


-¿Las explanations that have been given are insufficient to war?


There’s a number of widespread categorizations are insufficient if not false. First, for example, it has tried to explain the war from a sociological angle as the “national” field against the “red” city, but it is not but a quantitative difference, because on both sides there were peasants and workers. Or then, in economic terms, rich against poor, but as in Extremadura and Andalusia braceros could be with the Republic and the upper classes with the rise in Castile and Navarre was upside down and are the popular classes which they joined the national Spain. A third reading, international stamp, which sees the war in Spain a foretaste of the Second World War, the struggle between fascism and communism or between fascism and democracy is not satisfactory, though the hectic situation of the time Europe can be considered a concomitant factor but by no means decisive.


Far from that interpretation, you distinguish a cyclical factors and other remote war. What are they?


‘In effect, in my opinion you can not understand the phenomenon of war in Spain without distinguishing their remote causes of other nearby. The first take us to a century of tragedies that begin with the spiritual excision of Spain produced as a result of the Napoleonic invasion and where a struggle with religious motivation, civic-religious rather, against liberalism arises. It is liberalism, with its intellectual roots in Protestantism, which through a political error causes the social question. Hence the people, proletarianised by the confiscations, and thrown into misery, becomes at least partially overturned a mass revolution. Throughout the nineteenth century the process matures and in the thirties of the twentieth century, in the midst of a deep crisis, that yes cyclical, turn violently. The wick is in the Second Republic, which exasperates and pop the conflict that called Restoration, that is, the system of liberal monarchy established in 1874 and extending until the proclamation of the one in 1931, was dammed.


Could you say that faith is in the background of the conflict? Why?


Yes, but I must say that it is not the act of individual faith, understood the Protestant way, but I Embodied communally according to Catholic tradition. What is elucidated with blood in the Spanish fields was not a matter of power or dominion but a spiritual struggle of ideas between those who sought to establish the coexistence on state and secular foundations and those who clung to the faith-based community. The initial reason was because the injured or, more accurately religious sentiment, Catholicism communally entailed that can not be reduced to accept private condition within a civil or secular order. The violent secularism and persecutor of the Republican period, extended in the red zone during the war (with the murder of thirteen bishops, nearly seven thousand priests and religious, without the laity) therefore achieves particular prominence.


-The literature on the period of war is very abundant. Some say that around 40 thousand volumes. Is it still the Spanish Civil War an ideological battle? Why still the case? What is at stake today?


I think the literature about the war in Spain exceeds that of the same World War II, which reinforces the interpretation that we have offered and instead exceeding its partial categorizations. It is therefore logical that it remains an ideological battlefield. respect of the United States said for decades, which allows transfer without difficulty to other areas, which can predict the future of journalists and intellectuals political position from its attitude to the Spanish civil war. What is evident in many areas. It is mainly, I think, the discrediting of the Franco regime what is sought by some historiography. For Uprising, war and the Franco regime facts are different in origin and motivations, and therefore should also be differentiated judgments about them. Without convertibility between war and the regime that followed, it can be established perhaps because it was only a crusade and not a true civil war. A civil war is a crusade founder and searching only the defense of the faith. It is not cainita macabaico and background of the conflict when viewed dese heights of theology of history which continues to attract hatred on many occasions.



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