Friday, July 29, 2016

Cantabrian institutions, including the self-homage and protest – The Farad

 A young man waves a labaro in a march in March  2014.

A young man waves a labaro in a launched in March 2014.

What is celebrated this Thursday? It is a common question every July 28th between those who see it is a holiday in all Cantabria without noticing much the motives or acts that make it party, beyond some informative references in the suits and ties abound in which institutions held themselves.

what is celebrated is that a July 28, 1778 in the House of Meetings of San Miguel Bridge nine valleys were articulated in a common unit to defend and represent under the name of Cantabria that, centuries later, in 1982, would own autonomous community with statute of autonomy and its own institutions.

it’s a tough party ‘sell’ because in a moment of profound institutional discredit, bears the word institution in its own name, and because the acts are mainly concentrated in a single town hall, the Reocín, with the news that this year the City of Laredo has organized acts propios-, and are also in full time summer.


the president of Cantabria, Miguel Angel Revilla, will preside on Thursday the act of the Day of the institutions, to be held at the Casa de Juntas Bridge San Miguel (Reocín) with various developments that seek to strengthen the commemoration of the establishment of the Province of Cantabria by the union of the Nine Valleys.

the event will begin at 12:30 pm with the arrival of the leading authorities in the region, the hoisting of the flag by the president Revilla and welcome the mayor of Reocín, Paul Right. Subsequently, there will be a historical re-enactment by the Association ‘Lawsuit of Nine Valleys’

Then the Clerk of the intervene Merindad, Manuel Bartholomew.; the government delegate in Cantabria, Samuel Ruiz; President of Parliament, Dolores Gorostiaga, and to close the ceremony, the president of Cantabria, Miguel Angel Revilla.

Finished speeches, and as another novelty of this year, a copy shall be deposited them in the bunker of the Three Keys, the original furniture that served as the file of the minutes of the General Meetings of the province of Cantabria and remains guarded Villapresente.

the various moments of institutional act will he enlivened by the group of Bagpipes Cantabria, the Choir of Puente San Miguel and the ‘Son de La Robleda’ group.


This Thursday will celebrate specific Day Institutions in Laredo, organized by the pejino City Hall.

Begin at 12.00, with a concentration in the City, to go through the streets Avenue of Spain and Marques de Comillas to the Park Fishermen, on Avenida de Cantabria.

There the official ceremony and completion, performances by the participating associations will develop

PROTEST excavated <. / h2>

the event, traditionally too institutional, come, to a greater or lesser extent, social groups with claims that (try) are lowered to the ground political speeches.

 Protest in defense of excavated at City Hall d  Torrelavega

Protest in defense of excavated at City Hall d Torrelavega

Here , there will be the Assembly in Defense of Dug, a group that tries to protect the agricultural land in Torrelavega against the project of an industrial and technological polygon, with an investment of 45 million euros, arguing that in reality the capital of Besaya there is a problem of lack of industrial land in the region (with empty space for selling 123,764.96 square meters in Tanos-Viérnoles polygons and Besaya- Park and a model, industrial, in crisis) but believe it is a project that responds more to speculative interests.

on this issue, we Wednesday impinged on the need for a Plan Reindustrialisation Besaya and the revitalization of the town of Torrelavega to enhance its commercial sector with additional public funding.


excessive institutionalization of this event has led to Cantabrians groups and cantabristas as Cantabria No Sale and Left Cántabra to organize the weekend, an alternative date.

it will be Saturday, from 12.00 in the Park La Robleda, in Reocín, and wants to put the emphasis on popular participation in construction of Cantabrian identity through formulas such as councils, as well as culture and traditions.

so in the planned events have been organized workshop Cantabrian dances for those who want to approach this style besides parade, popular meal of railway pots and a concert by Marcos Bárcena and Ana Conde, at three in the afternoon.

at four o’clock in the afternoon there will be a talk by historian Daniel Lobete, under the heading ‘a critical view of the history of Cantabria against myths and manipulations’, which will attempt to demystify the image of a submissive people to other powers as Castilla to put the accent on participatory antecedes and combative that have occurred in Cantabria during its history.

there will Cantabrians sports, hoisting Lábaro in the Casa de Juntas and finally, at 20.00, a festival with performances by folk groups Cahórnega, Clann and Cambalua.


Another classic summer is the complaint of the City of Santander that the feast of St. James, which leads to their parties the Semana Grande, not regional party throughout Cantabria, forcing the Consistory to choose two days to their holidays when aspires to it are three dates. Santiago, the Virgen del Mar and the Holy Martyrs

on Wednesday the schedule of public Cantabrians 2017 was known, which has earned the Consistory to reiterate its demand that their main local holiday is considered regional that is a party involved thousands of Cantabrians who are “deprived” of . participate in the big day of the holidays

the next year the day of Santiago, the great Week of the city is dedicated, will be Tuesday; Martyrs, patrons of the city, commemorated on August 30, will fall on a Wednesday; and the Virgen del Mar, Santander patron, held on Whit Monday, will be on June 5
In total, in 2017 there will be seven long weekends in Cantabria. Reyes will be party, which falls on a Friday; Thursday and Friday (13 and 14 April), May 1 (Monday) Day Institutions (Friday, 28 July), Assumption (Tuesday, 15 August) and the Bien Aparecida (Friday September 15), in addition to the October 12 (Thursday), All Saints (Wednesday), Constitution Day (Wednesday), the Immaculate (Friday) and Christmas, which falls on a Monday. On January 1 it happens to be held on Monday also, while on Easter Monday will be working. These appointments must be added the two holidays they are entitled each municipality



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