Sunday, July 24, 2016

The Barcelona brand maintains its level of creativity – EntornoInteligente

Expand / A report by the Barcelona Centre Disseny located in the Catalan capital as the fourth most creative city in the world, in the same position two years ago.

The Barcelona brand maintains its good health by the Barcelona Design Centre (BCD). Through the study Survey on the Barcelona City Brand 2015, drawn from the responses of different directors and heads of international fashion festivals and design, the BCD notes that the Catalan capital is the fourth most creative city in the world.

Barcelona repeats as on the report of 2013, but has been overtaken by Berlin, while San Francisco has fallen from the top 4. London and New York rank first and second place in the standings respectively. Beyond the label “creative”, adjectives that best describe the Catalan capital are, according to the opinion of the respondents, dynamic, vibrant, cosmopolitan and cultural, in that order.

On the other hand, the main event of design city, Barcelona dessign Week, is worse positioned in the survey. According to the report, the event in seventh place in the ranking of design festivals, who heads the London Design Festival.

strong and weak Although the results are very similar to the previous edition of the Survey on the Barcelona City Brand, from the BCD Points make a positive reading. “We believe the brand is on the rise because it is diversifying, beyond tourism and other quality of life aspects of the city as the commitment to design or shopping are also valued” point from the BCD. The survey highlights tourism; leisure and culture and innovation and design as the main strengths of the city.

By contrast, the unfinished business of Barcelona in the field of branding is to improve communication. Big bets of the city, such as conversion into Smart city or the rise of digital companies do not transcend international public opinion and are not reflected in the report.

The Barcelona brand maintains their level of creativity

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Síguenos on Twitter @entornoi


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