Thursday, May 26, 2016

The Archbishopric broadcasts on its website the full text of the homily “In defense and support of the family” who gave the … – NoticiasReligiosas (press release) (blog)

VALENCIA, 25 MAY. (AVAN) .- The archbishop of Valencia has published today on its website the full text of the homily ?? in defense and support of family ?? Archbishop Cardinal of Valencia, Antonio Cañizares, delivered on 13 May in the chapel of the headquarters of St. Ursula, of the Catholic University of Valencia, at the close of course the John Paul II Institute of Family Studies.

Along with the homily, the website published a note from Cardinal himself in publicly ask ?? qualified lawyers and objectives, without prejudice of any kind and impartial ??, to judge whether the homily? ? it contains something that goes against the law and causing hatred against persons or certain social groups, or can be homophobic consider both the text and its author ??.

After that, says the Archbishop of Valencia that ?? censure and condemnation suffered by me in some media, by some groups and some politicians suggest surpassed stages of our past history, but still recent, in which censured and condemned some homilies and some preachers ?? .

He concludes his note Cardinal Antonio Canizares with a question: is homophobic ?? ??? defend the family.

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