Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Pablo Casado repudiates communism in Spain – Second Focus

Assistant Secretary of Communication of the Popular Party, Pablo Casado, said that communism has done nothing to benefit people throughout their history , and recarcó the pact to the Valencian not be will export to national life.

Casado, in company with the representative of the Popular Party in Valencia, Isabel Boing, and the leader of the political tolda in Alicante, José Ciscar, gave a statement at a news conference before its participation in a meeting of the campaign committee of the PP in Alicante.

the evidence of populism, communism, regionalism in many cases Compromís are not necessary for Spain , said the Deputy secretary of Communications of the PP, referring to move the government agreement between the PSPV, the PSOE and Compromís, with the support of Podemos, in the Valencia the national environment.

the representative of communications of the PP has said he will not fight to see who is more communist.

he added that Anguita, days ago, left partially concerned, since after spending hours in a debate on whether they were splitting hairs about whether the United Left was still IU or became a we more or if Compromís had changed can or remains the political organization that soweth has been, but concluded that no, and that all these parties are communists.

according to statements Casado, that’s one of the biggest concerns, because according to him, communism does no good, either now or in all its history, in the world and in Valencia.

said that if does not seek to govern the extreme left in Spain, the vote “serving” is the Popular Party, a political organization which showed that not think about an alliance with can or Izquierda Unida.

Married stressed that anyone wishing to bet on policies real progress, economic freedom, and many other things, should bet on the PP.

the Popular party leader also stressed that the National Board of PP is with Directive PPCV and the province of Alicante the party, and indicated that that’s something you need to say and repeat it.

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