Saturday, May 21, 2016

NORTH delivery sheet Santa Rita – NORTH Journal

in the print edition of today, an image of the patron saint of the impossible delivery

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As a tribute to the Patron Saint of the Impossible, the printed version of this Saturday brings a picture of Santa Rita face the day tomorrow, where it is expected that thousands of pilgrims arrive to Puerto Tirol in most important shows faith in the province.

Your history

Santa Rita was born in 1381 in Italy. His birthplace was near the town of Cascia, 40 miles from Assisi in the Umbria region of central Italy. That time was of wars, earthquakes, conquest, invasion, rebellion and corruption.

His parents, Antonio Mancini and Amata Ferri, were illiterate and known as the “peacemakers of Jesus Christ” because they called to appease the fights between neighbors. They will transmitted to Rita, who never went to school, but God gave him the grace to read miraculously, faith and religious devotion.

I wanted to be religious throughout his life, but his parents, and in advanced age, he chose a husband, Paolo Ferdinando, and she accepted in obedience.

her husband proved to be a hard-drinking, womanizing and abusive, but she remained faithful in prayer. They had two twins who took the same temperament father. After 20 years of marriage, the husband became Rita forgave him and together they came closer to the life of faith.

One night, he did not come home. The next day he was found murdered. The children swore to avenge the death of his father and Santa Rita penalty increased more. Neither his pleas made them desist. Heartbroken, she begged the Lord to save the souls of their children. Both contracted a terrible disease and die before forgave the murderers. Later, Rita wanted to enter the Augustinian sisters, but it was not easy because they did not want a woman who had been married and the grim death of her husband. She stood in prayer and one night there was a miracle.

While sleeping heard she was called three times by name. He opened the door and found San Augustine, San Nicolas de Tolentino and St. John the Baptist, whom she was very devoted. They asked him to follow them and after traveling the streets of Roccaporena, at the peak of the Scoglio, where she used to pray, felt that rose into the air and pushed gently Casia, where he met top of the Monastery of Santa Maria Magdalena . There he fell into ecstasy and when he came was in the monastery. The Augustinian nuns could no longer deny more into the community.

He made his religious profession that same year (1417) and lived there 40 years of consecration. It was tested with ordeals by superiors. As obedience was ordered water every day a dead plant. The plant became a flowering vine that gave grapes served for sacramental wine.

In the Lent of 1443, was to Casia a preacher who spoke about the Lord’s Passion. Played much reflection Santa Rita and his return to the monastery asked the Lord to participate in his suffering on the cross. He received stigmas and marks of the crown of thorns on his head. Unlike other saints with this gift, sores she smelled bad and had to live away from her sisters and people for many years.

When you wanted to go to Rome for the first Holy Year, Jesus removed the stigma in her head for the duration of the pilgrimage, but returned again appear to him and had to be isolated again.

the last years of his life suffered a serious and painful disease that was still on his straw bed for four years. At this time he showed roses sprouted prodigiously in his little garden of Roccaporena and in the cold winter. She accepted this sign smiling as God’s gift.

He died in 1457. The thorn wound on his forehead disappeared and instead a red spot appeared as a ruby, which was delicious fragrance.

they never buried, his wooden coffin was replaced by a glass and her body remains uncorrupted. Pope Leo XIII canonized in 1900.

Bees Santa Rita

It is said that when he was a baby, while she slept, white bees clustered in his mouth and deposited there honey without damaging it. After 200 years after his death at the monastery of Cascia white bees emerged, each year, the walls of the monastery during Easter, staying until the feast of Santa Rita. Pope Urban VIII asked to bring him to Rome one of the bees, he tied a silk thread and released. Then he found the bee in its nest monastery of Cascia



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