Friday, March 11, 2016

The PAHs three calls a meeting with Liberbank and the Government of Cantabria – The Farad

The Platform Affected by Mortgage (PAH) has attended Friday’s office Liberbank located in the Plaza de Velarde of Santander to deliver a letter to the address in Cantabria of the entity and force a meeting to three bands with the Government of Cantabria.

the aim is to negotiate the 6 cases pending that PAHs have with them and that, as reported, Liberbank no solutions. The PAH has given Liberbank a period of one month to solve several cases of evictions before reoccupy their offices, just as they did last summer.

lA PAHs Friday in the office Liberbank.

LA PAHs Friday in the office Liberbank.

The group has also been led group to the street Peña Grassy to deliver another letter to the President of Cantabria, Miguel Angel Revilla, and the Director of Public Works, Jose Maria Mazon, to join that meeting trialogue.

apparently they could not personally deliver the letter to neither, but it has been picked up by the chief of staff of the regional president.


also today the PAH’s finally managed to stall the eviction scheduled for 15 April, Alexandre, by the SAREB, the bad bank, an entity that has finally agreed to sign a rental contract.

Alexandre is one scammed Spanish, which years ago was deceived by the developer of housing, promotions Gumor, which claimed 18,000 euros to move in a flat signing at that time a purchase agreement, but that floor was impounded.

by taking account of deception when he went to sign the mortgage contract with the bank, not held firm and decided not to leave the house until he returned the amounts they had swindled him, claiming in court the same and, after winning the corresponding trial, has not received.

Finally both parties have reached an agreement to sign this three-year contract for an amount of 130 € monthly, to avoid eviction.


 Alexandre signing his lease with the SAREB

Alexandre signing his lease with the SAREB.

This week PAHs has appealed to paralyze an eviction to take place on 8th April in Santoña hand Abanca (old Novacaixagalicia, the merger of the Galician boxes and a private bank).

a Spaniard will be evicted from their housing the affected rehipotecó his home in 2008 and could not continue paying the letters. In addition, he had not received any communication nor the bank nor the court until a few days ago. you received the eviction notice

for the month of April.

The PAHs are watching “with concern the apparent increase in the number of evictions,” confirming the figures provided by CGPJ talking about an increase of 28 % in Cantabria.

“four eviction date in just four months is a record in this platform”, assert, and warn that “evictions in Cantabria now only stand by pressure and mediation social struggle. “

” there will come a time when no one can previously stopping a shot, so that only an action of “stopdesahucios” can stop “, sentenced, recalling the commitment of President Revilla to go to the next antidesahucios action.

in parallel, this group has met with representatives of the Government of Cantabria for office mortgage mediation contact with the bad bank and to formalize a trialogue meeting (SAREB, Government and PAHs) to treat not only the situation of Alexander, but the problem of housing the SAREB.


the Government of Cantabria has launched and the Office of Mortgage Brokerage and Emergency Housing, through GESVICAN, the public enterprise of the Ministry of public Works and Housing.

Although the possibility is contemplated increase staff if necessary, currently three staff and a manager who study each case to try to avoid or mitigate the effects of evictions, intermediating to the banks to achieve postponements or offering affected one working in the office housing that the government has reserved for these cases of emergency housing on a rental basis.

of the 194 homes that make up the public park, 56 are free at the moment, although the Executive has already advanced a deal precisely with the SAREB

(will be signed next week) to incorporate the same 40 other houses spread over different points of Cantabria.

the Office of Mortgage Brokerage and Emergency housing, located in the Calle Juan de Herrera, 2-4, 5th floor, began operating in January and since then has treated 25 cases, of which 9 have been resolved. Has a prize of 2.5 million euros in the budgets of Cantabria.

The Office is open Monday through Friday at Juan de Herrera 2-4, 5th floor, Santander. Must make an appointment on phone numbers 942 31 89 82 and 942 31 89 80. Interested parties can also contact the Office via mail and find all informació


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